Are you trying to get fit and healthy in 2008? My own quest is continuing, so I decided to connect with Kelly of A Spacious Place, with her idea of "Fit Friday."
Kelly has lost over 50 pounds in the last seven or eight months, and she sounds like she has a good common-sense approach to fitness.
She writes:
"...I would love for you to join me on Fridays and run along side me in this journey to be 'fit for service.' I have by no means arrived, but feel compelled to share the victory the Lord has given me in this area and hopefully encourage others. Each week I will share tips on exercise and healthy eating. Please leave any specific questions you might have in the comments! Also, feel free to save the Fit Friday button and add to your sidebar."
Kelly has some great tips and advice in her Fit Friday post today...including a link to a quiz where you can test your exercise personality.
My own report:
Here's what I did, exercise-wise, this week:
Monday: 30 minutes cardio (mix of elliptical, rowing machine, and stationary bike)
Tuesday: 20 minutes cardio, 20 minutes weights
Wednesday: 30 minutes cardio (15 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes rowing machine)
Friday: I will be going to the gym this afternoon, and will do 30 minutes of cardio and 15 to 20 minutes of weights
During the past couple of weeks, I've discovered the rowing machine at my gym. It's a lonely machine...I think I've only seen one other person using it, ever.
So one day, in an effort to alleviate the boredom and/or short attention span of using mostly the elliptical, I wandered over there. I asked one of the staff members to show me how to use it, and I hopped on.
Four minutes later...yep, that was all I was able to do the first time! Let me tell you, it's a workout. I've gradually built up my time so that on Wednesday I was able to do 15 minutes, and the website of the manufacturer actually advises to just do ten or 15 minutes the first couple of weeks.
But you know what? I really kind of like it. It provides a change of pace from the elliptical, which is my favorite. And it works all your muscle groups.
Be sure and leave a comment if you have any weight loss or fitness tips and advice!
Everyone go out and have a fun and blessed weekend!
Hi Cindy!
I am so excited you are joining. Thanks for sharing your journey--that will encourage and bless others.
Very cool Cindy!!
I've been listening to upbeat tunes on my iPod to help me walk fast. Last week, I completed a mile in 18.5 minutes; this week, I did it in 17.5! And when I weighed, I was 1 pound less than last week, which was 1 pound less than the week before! I'm excited that I'm seeing some progress!
Another thing I'm doing is watching what I eat, watching calories and trying to choosed healthier things. I still like my treats, but I'm limiting them to a small amount each day.
Good luck! Sounds like you've got a good plan going!
Way to go, Cindy! I am getting fit in '08 too and some friend and I have a blog called "Faithfully Finding Fitness" where we talk about our struggles, etc. if you're interested:
Good for you. I am going to start soon... Maybe tomorrow. :)
Good Job!! You will not regret it..new clothes but also you will feel good!!
No tips!! Just a groan. I really must get started!! Again. Thanks for the reminder!
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