...Kate, the prettiest Kate in ChristendomIf anybody brings style and glamor back to England's royal family, it will be Kate Middleton--Prince William's fiancee, who is poised to inherit Princess Diana's crown as the Princess of Style.
Kate of Kate Hall, my
super-dainty Kate,
For dainties are all Kates, and therefore, Kate,
this of me, Kate of my consolation.--William Shakespeare, The Taming of the
Kate is lovely, has a beautiful figure, and looks good in anything she wears.
I can definitely see the public's fascination with her growing, just as it did for Princess Di. If you have a coffee-table book of photos of Diana's fashions, get ready to nudge it over a bit to make room for your Kate book, which is surely forthcoming.

Women seem to be afraid to take a leap and bring this style back, but really, don't hats look gorgeous?

How classy is this? Love the hat, love the pink, love the style of the jacket.

Love. This. Everything about it--the smart little suit, the scarves, the jaunty little beret. Adorable.

Great flowy skirt. She has really pretty legs, too. I've noticed in some of her dressier shots, she's wearing some type of pantyhose that look so

Love. This. Everything about it--the smart little suit, the scarves, the jaunty little beret. Adorable.

shimmery and flattering...I'd love to know what they are!
Kiss me
Kate, we will be married o' Sunday.--William Shakespeare, The Taming of the
ShrewI'm participating today in "Life Made Lovely"--click on the icon to find out more!

Is she lovely? I'm so excited to see what her wedding gown is going to look like... the gown of the century, I'm sure! :) Paris in Pink
Love it! I'm really excited for the said wedding this coming April (next year). That's why I kept on writing about them in my blog. I've also written about Kate Middleton Highlights To The Making of a Princess coz I'm so thrilled with their story.
Thanks for sharing!
Aristoc is what I read about the shiny legs.
Oh, a fellow Kate Middleton follower! I'm loving all of your posts on her.
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