It's that time again--the Ultimate Blog Party, hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!
This is a great chance to spread the word about your own blog, attract new readers, and check out other blogs yourself.

If this is your first visit to Notes in the Key of Life, welcome! I'm Cindy Swanson, and I blog about faith, family, fiction, entertainment, and whatever else piques my interest.
Here's what you need to know:
Cindy Swanson is a radio personality at 101QFL and Radio 91 in Rockford, IL, and a free-lance voice-over artist. Married for 30 years to the love of her life, Doug, she has three grown children and is the proud grandma of a 2-year-old boy named Payton (pictures here!).

The child of missionary parents, Cindy spent part of her early life in Beirut, Lebanon, and still dreams of traveling to places like Ireland and Scotland.
An avid reader (especially of Christian fiction), Cindy sometimes amazes friends and family with her vast knowledge of current events, pop culture and what she calls "useless trivia." She often shares her book reviews and author interviews here on her blog.

After being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2007, Cindy has lost 30 pounds, for a total of over 50 pounds lost since she was at her heaviest. Her fitness journey continues, and has become an integral part of daily part of her life. (See a before-and-after here.)
A one-woman crusader against e-mail spam and internet hoaxes, Cindy battles rumors and urban legends on the radio in her "Cindy Swanson, CyberSnoop" mode, and she shares that on her blog--here's an example.

Cindy says her Christian faith defines her, and she can't imagine living life without a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe.
She brings all these aspects into her blog, Notes in the Key of Life, which has been described as "positive, personal and uplifting."
Please stick around and check out some of my older posts...and do come back! The welcome mat is always here.
And if you're interested here is a video post I did last fall as part of a video-blogging event.
Stopping in from the blog party!! I will be back to learn how you lost all that weight.
Cindy - great to see you here. I think we partied together last year too with UBP. Glad to see you are doing well. Blessings.
Hi there! Nice to meet you. I'm here from the UBP and I look forward to getting to know you more this week.
Here for the Party... congrads on your weight loss... ( from a family where most of us have Diabetes :(
Keep us the great work!
Hi, Cindy! Wow! Your life has been amazing, hasn't it? I'll be back to visit your blog!
thanks for stopping by on the party route!! nice to meet you
I'm trying to lose weight too, so I'll be back.
I always love visiting your blog and "seeing" you on Facebook too. You always make me smile.
I'm glad you stopped by my party. I love the pictures you how posted - very lovely.
Hi Cindy, yes I think we have met before. You certainly seem familiar to me! :)
Well, it's nice to get re-acquainted.
You seem like a very unique and interesting person. And you must have a cool voice - hee! Your blog looks interesting too.
Come visit me again and enjoy the blog party!
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
Wow you are busy!! I love reading too. My favorite Christian fiction will always be the Love Comes Softly series from Janette Oake (sp?)... though I'm starting to get into Francine Rivers.
Just read Pead Like a River... I don't think it's technically christian but i loved loved loved the discription of heaven at the end!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
looks like I have a new rival in the "useless trivia department" ;-)
Stopping by from UBP to say "hi" - party on :-)
You are so pretty.
Thanks for visiting my blog(s). I appreciate you stopping by and leaving me a comment.
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