--A new conservative blog that's sure to be unique has launched: The Mother of All Conservatives.
--During this bicentennial of President Lincoln's birthday, all Illinoisans are being encouraged to read a book about him.
--Here's a cool story: an atheist who donated a kidney ended up finding God.
--The radio station where I work, 101QFL, now has a Facebook page. Be our friend! Just search for Positive Hits Wqfl.
--As I've mentioned, I have a very definite favorite in American Idol this year: Danny Gokey. The best pro-Danny website I've found is I Heart Danny Gokey.com. It's a virtual plethora of all things Danny.
I haven't been posting AI updates, but there are several people who do a great job of it.
One21music is particularly following the Christian contestants on AI this year. There are several, including Danny. Chuck live blogs most of the shows, and posts re-caps.
Chuck also tells me that One21 will be covering the South By Southwest Festival in Austin, TX, this coming week. He posts: "At One21music we cover the full spectrum of Christian music, including the vibrant Underground Chrsitian music scene. We will be focusing on 20 Christian music artists performing at SXSW." South by Southwest is the largest music industry gathering in the world.
Back to American Idol--I was happy to find out that BooMama hosts a round-up of blogs who post AI re-caps. All of the blogs I looked at in this round-up were family-friendly and lacking in mean-spiritedness, but they were engaging, and some of them were truly hilarious. Check them out for yourself.
Speaking of Lincoln, I love the new commercial that shows him wrestling during a debate! It's hilarious!
Aw shucks, thanks for the shout out, my sweet friend.
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