Happy 1st Birthday, Josiah Daniel!

My little grandson Josiah can get the sweetest looks on his little face
I've been in Texas since last Tuesday night, thoroughly enjoying being with a bunch of my loved ones who live here.
One of the main purposes of my visit was the 1st birthday of my youngest grandson, Josiah Daniel--often called JD.
My older grandson, Payton, will be four in January. It's been wonderful getting to spend some quality time with him!
Here are a few pictures from my trip so far...starring the birthday boy!

Josiah as a newborn--November 2009

Josiah as a newborn--November 2009
Payton is a fun little guy with tons of personality!

My daughter-in-law, Daylyn, made the cutest froggy cupcakes for JD's birthday

I love my little guys more than I could possibly express!

Josiah about to enjoy his very own 1st birthday cupcake

The big guy just chillin' in his car seat...what a honey!

What fun pics! The first and last one are especially adorable.
And LOL - the word verification for this comment is skype!
O.K., I turn into jello when a little boy looks at me like this tyke in the last photo....and Cindy, YOU DO NOT LOOK LIKE A GRANDMA! But look at the darlings...so beautiful! Aren't little boys funny? They were born to make us woman laugh at their feet.
BRAVO! Anita
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