Mocha with Linda's Flashback Friday today calls for delving into some Thanksgiving memories...no problem, since Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays!
Thanksgiving during my growing-up years was always a wonderful celebration. Turkey was the star of the show, always made delectably by my mother.
It wasn't until I grew up and moved away that I really appreciated the fact that my mom had to get up early in the morning, while we were all still snoozing, to get the bird in the oven.
Mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie, and my mom's 24-hour marshmallow salad were always featured on the menu...and yes, football was always part of the festivities.
Growing up in a Christian home, we always took the time on Thanksgiving to reflect on our blessings and give thanks to God.

When I got married and moved to Illinois, Thanksgiving almost always meant a Swanson family celebration, usually at the the home of one of my husband's older brothers. My sisters-in-law are all amazing cooks, and any Swanson gathering means some delicious eats.
Of course, the turkey reigns supreme, but pies and fudge and all kinds of desserts offer temptation. One of my favorite dishes at Swanson Thanksgivings is my sister-in-law Gail's sweet potatoes, sauteed in butter.
There are always a variety of delicious vegetable casseroles on the menu as well.
If everyone has enough energy and it's not too cold out, we often make time for a walk to make us feel a little better about consuming so many Thanksgiving calories.
Many times, I've had a smaller Thanksgiving celebration for my immediate family.
A few years ago, my son and his wife and my little grandson Payton were able to come from Texas. We actually had dinner at one of my sister-in-law's homes, but it was my first Thanksgiving as a Type 2 diabetic, and I made some diabetic-friendly desserts--including low-carb pumpkin pie--that were absolutely delicious.
I try to include at least one or two of these at every holiday meal, so I can indulge without feeling too guilty!

My grandson Payton and my niece Arden at their own little table at my mom's house, last Thanksgiving. They love this table!
This Thanksgiving, my son Justin and my daughter Elizabeth will be home for the holiday, which will make it wonderfully special!

The table in my mom's entryway, decorated for the holiday
Besides Flashback Friday, I'm also linking back to Home Sanctuary's Company Girl Coffee today. Click on either icon to participate!
I enjoyed the pictures and memories. Thanks for participating!
Hi Cindy, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the pictures of your beautiful grand children.
Thank you for stopping at my blog and leaving the encouraging comment. You have really accomplished the weight loss goal. Do you take any medicines for your Type II diabetes?
It sounds like you have lived an incredible life as the daughter of missionaries.
I live in east Texas deep in the woods. We recently moved from Kilgore, Tx. to here because of my husband's job. It has been an adjustment for me because we raised our family in our former town. I owned a little flower shop, but most of all I missed my church.
I think you will be an inspiration for me in dealing with my newly diagnoised syndrome X.
Nice to meet you,
Enjoyed your memories. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you!
It was fun to read your memories today. The sweet potatoes sauteed in butter sound especially delicious!
Happy Thanksgiving!
thanks for sharing these memories with us. They are happy memories, indeed!
Very nice Cindy. You mom had set a very nice looking table. Thank you for the pictures. Your Texas Thanksgiving was WARM enough for that walk, eh? We have liked Texas for over 50 years now.
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