Showing posts with label Once Upon a Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Once Upon a Time. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2013

Once Upon a Time, there was this show about fairy tales...

Today is Tell a Fairy Tale Day.  Which leads me to one of my favorite television shows...Once Upon a Time.

I posted about the show back in March, 2012:

 If you've read this blog for a while, you know that I never give a blanket recommendation to a TV show.  Very rare is the show that contains nothing that would be offensive to someone or completely family-friendly.  With that caveat, though, I have to say: 
I'm loving "Once Upon a Time."
I've got to admit, it had me at Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, the creators of the show.  Both were among the writers of "Lost," my favorite show of all time, so I was pretty sure "Once Upon a Time" was going to be special.

I'm still watching "Once Upon a Time, " and still enjoying it.  As I wrote earlier, the show appeals to the fairy tale lover in all of us.

Yes, you do have to suspend disbelief when watching it sometimes.  Although much of the action takes place in the present day, these are fairy tale characters living in the modern world.  And if you have a hard time rolling with invisible ships, tiny fairies sprinkling fairy dust, talking crickets and a wooden boy, you' may have to give it a pass.

But people, this is FAIRY TALES we're talking about.  They're not supposed to be realistic!

I would NOT recommend this show for young kids.  There are things that could be disturbing and scary and just not appropriate for them.

I think Once Upon a Time is great for letting adults recapture the feeling of being told a fairy tale, with the added bonus of terrific writing, topnotch acting, and characters you grow to love...or love to hate, as the case may be.

I like this quote by co-writer Edward Kitsis:

Once Upon A Time is, at its core, a story about hope. "For us, that’s what a fairytale is. It’s that ability to think your life will get better... Adam and I just wanted to write about something hopeful that for one hour a week allows one to put everything aside and have that feeling that your dreams just may come true."--Edward Kitsis, Co-Creator/Executive Producer

I'm linking up today with the Tea on Tuesday blog hop 
hosted by Jessica at Boy oh Boys and Haley at Team Ibrahim

Friday, September 28, 2012

High Five for Friday!

For the first time, I'm participating in High Five for Friday, hosted by Lauren at From My Grey Desk.  I found out about this bloghop from Kate Bryan's The Small Things Blog.  Kate is a lovely young woman who does amazing hair tutorials.  Check her out if you haven't already!

Oh, and don't forget to enter my give-away for the chance to win a gorgeous top from Soft Surroundings...more on that below!

So here we go!

1.Yay for good deals at Old Navy! I'm in love with these earrings, because I'm a sucker for all things Paris.  I even have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to Paris!  Are these earrings not the cutest?  And the black top I got for $9.49!

2.  The weather here in Northwest Illinois has been just about perfect all week.  One day when I was out and about I snapped some pictures of the fall colors that are just beginning to emerge.  This house just looked so pretty, I had to take a pic of it.

3.  I'm loving the return of my favorite TV shows!  Fringe returns tonight... Person of Interest was AMAZING last night...and Once Upon a Time comes back Sunday night!

Josh Dallas plays Prince Charming
4.  I'm planning to get out my fall decorations this weekend and dress the house up for autumn!

5.  High five for my Soft Surroundings give-away!  Go here to enter to win this beautiful Vintage Ruffle Top...I have it in cornflower blue and absolutely love it.  It retails for 79.00 but it can be YOURS for free!

Click on the icon below to participate in High Five for Friday!


Monday, March 26, 2012

"Once Upon a Time" appeals to the fairy-tale lover in me

From the show's website:

Once Upon A Time is, at its core, a story about hope. "For us, that’s what a fairytale is. It’s that ability to think your life will get better... Adam and I just wanted to write about something hopeful that for one hour a week allows one to put everything aside and have that feeling that your dreams just may come true."--Edward Kitsis, Co-Creator/Executive Producer

Note: If you've read this blog for a while, you know that I never give a blanket recommendation to a TV show.  Very rare is the show that contains nothing that would be offensive to someone or completely family-friendly.  With that caveat, though, I have to say:

I'm loving "Once Upon a Time."

I've got to admit, it had me at Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, the creators of the show.  Both were among the writers of "Lost," my favorite show of all time, so I was pretty sure "Once Upon a Time" was going to be special.

Source: via Adrian on Pinterest

If you're not familiar with it, here's the premise of the show (from the show's website):
Emma Swan’s life has been anything but a fairytale. A 28-year-old bail bondsperson, she’s been taking care of herself since she was abandoned as a baby.

But when Henry—the son she gave up 10 years ago—finds her, everything changes. Henry is desperate for his mom’s help and thinks that Emma is actually the long, lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Yes, the actual Snow White and Prince Charming.

Even stranger, Henry believes that Storybrooke, the sleepy New England town he calls home, is really part of a curse cast by the Evil Queen, freezing fairytale characters in the modern world with no memory of their former selves.

Of course, everything is headed for a showdown between the good represented by Emma (Jennifer Morrison), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Prince Charming (Josh Dallas), and the evil represented by Queen Regina (Lana Parilla).

And of course there's the enigmatic Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold (Robert Carlyle)--who we think is one of the baddies, but sometimes we're not quite sure. Let's say he's a character you love to hate--and his Irish accent is awesome, by the way.

Source: via Pia on Pinterest

In the meantime, we're getting to know a host of characters from our beloved childhood fairy tales and even from Disney movies (the show has Disney's permission), both as they were in fairy-tale land and as they are in modern-day Storybrooke.

And the stories going on in the present day are just as fascinating as the ones in fairy-tale land.

I would not recommend this show for little children--there may be things that would be too disturbing for them. But if you love the romance and wonder of fairy-tales, as well as a story rich in imagination and adventure--along with excellent acting and fine writing--Once Upon a Time may be for you.

Source: via Irene on Pinterest

Are you liking "Once Upon a Time"? Let me know in my comments!
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