Monday, October 11, 2010

Life Made Lovely: Lovely photos


For the first time, I'm participating in Life Made Lovely, hosted by Blessed Little Nest.

The purpose? To share "what you did, are doing, or want to do, to make your life more lovely."

Well, I've noticed lately that there are more blogs that are simply gorgeus to look at...often because of the beautiful photographs they post.

I immediately wondered, "Where is everyone getting all these incredibly beautiful images?"

And I think I've found at least one answer:


Tumblr is a blogging service, like blogger and wordpress, but it appears to me that it is mostly about pictures. I personally wouldn't choose it as the place to have a blog that's mostly about writing, but people are constantly posting the loveliest pictures.



Credit is given to the photographer when available, or at least there is a click-through to the website where the photo was found.


I have to say that looking at these pictures has honestly made my life more lovely! You can't look at these images without experiencing a wonderful feeling from the beauty and spirit of the photos.

So I thought I would just share a few of them on my blog today. Hope it makes your life a little more lovely today!

Click on the icon to participate in Life More Lovely.



Mocha with Linda said...

Lovely, indeed!

Darlene Schacht said...

So gorgeous!!! The first two are my favorites!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Yes, they are very lovely! One day I'm going to be able to take pictures like that. Big laugh!

A beautiful week to you!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Cindy,

Yep, Tumblr is awesome! I neither have the time, talent of camera to take such exquisite photos!!! Enjoy yourself dearest; you are gonna love blogging!

Amitiés, Anita

LisaShaw said...

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for sharing. I'm not aware of Tumblr. I think you have a lovely blog dear friend.

Blessings to you!

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