I finally do my video post
OK, I finally got a video up! The best thing it has going for it is that it's SHORT...but I do hope you'll watch it. Thanks!
I See What You're Saying from Cindy Swanson on Vimeo.
While I've enjoyed some Christian "chick lit" lately, some of it can veer into the self-consciously cute and trying a little too hard to be funny zone. Not this book. Sandra Byrd's humor is wryly amusing instead of broadly slapstick, her protagonist's interaction with God believable instead of goofy.
--Lisa on "Green Acres," played by Eva Gabor...she was so ditzy and quirky, she cracked me up.
--Barney, played by Don Knotts, on "The Andy Griffith Show." Need you even ask why?
--The Virginian (I don't think they ever gave his name), played by James Drury, on "The Virginian." Mysterious...manly...you know, the strong, silent type --Al, played by Dean Stockwell, on "Quantum Leap." Not sure why...I just really liked him.
--Phyllis, played by Cloris Leachman, on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." She made an art form out of being snobby and clueless at the same time.
--Herman Munster on "The Munsters," played by Fred Gwynne. Again, he was just funny...and he had that great, deep voice. The thought of monster as lovable goof...
--Emily, played by Suzanne Pleshette, on "The Bob Newhart Show." She was just a cool character...a pleasure to watch.
--David Addison, played by Bruce Willis, on "Moonlighting." His smart-aleck wise-cracking kept me watching, and promised his future stardom.
--Rob Petrie, played by Dick Van Dyke, on "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Again, no explanation needed--he's a legend. ...and more recently...
--Hugo "Hurley," played by Jorge Garcia, on "Lost." Hurley's down-to-earth sense of humor is one of the things that keeps the show from spiraling into inaccessible weirdness.
Dr. Jack Shepherd, played by Matthew Fox, on "Lost." I know a lot of viewers don't care for Jack, but I think he's the heart and soul of the show.
--Peter Petrelli, played by Milo Ventimiglia, on "Heroes." His basic goodness and likeability make him immensely appealing. For me, there could be no show without Peter.
My late father was diabetic (although that's not what claimed his life), my brother is, and a host of relatives and ancestors. For years, I knew I was at risk, and I had great intentions of being proactive and preventing it. Unfortunately, my efforts were sporadic and inadequate.
A couple of weeks ago, my friend Teri was here for the weekend. Teri had just found out a few months earlier that she is diabetic. She kept bugging me to take my blood sugar, and I kept resisting. I guess a part of me thought that what I didn't know wouldn't hurt me.
Now I'm thanking God that Teri insisted. My blood sugar was very high. I made a doctor's appointment, and I'm now taking medication for Type 2 diabetes.
I made up the following meme to learn a little more about my fellow bloggers. I tried not to duplicate the questions from other blogging memes I’ve seen. This one seems to focus more on the social aspect of blogging, though I hadn’t originally intended it to have that emphasis — but “Why do you blog?” and “How did you get started?” went around often ages ago. But if you have never answered those question, feel free to do so!--Barbara at Stray Thoughts