Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Such devoted sisters

Left: Lisa, Beverly and me, 2002

The relationship of sisters is the subject of an article in today's USA Today. It grabbed my attention immediately, because I adore my two sisters and can't imagine life without them.

Montreal family therapist Vikki Stark "has spent three years doing interviews or surveys with 400 women, teens and girls with sisters."

The result? A new book titled My Sister, My Self: Understanding the Sibling Relationship That Shapes Our Lives, Our Loves and Ourselves .

Says Stark: "The relationship is very important to women. It cuts very deeply to a women's identity." She says she has often been struck by the intensity of the sisterly bond.

I totally relate. My sisters know me on a level that no one else does. Our bond goes back so far, and is so powerful, it is one of the most wonderful constants in my life.

Of course, we've had disagreements and all-out fights. But in the end, the sisterly bond is not broken. My sisters are truly my best friends.

Stark says some of the women in the interviews expressed how "blessed" they felt. "They feel it was a gift to be given a sister who brings so much joy and pleasure to their lives."

Amen. And I have two!

How about you? Are you close to our sister or sisters? I'd love to hear your comments.

Listen to Tilly Cryar very charmingly sing "Sisters."

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