My dad passed away in July 2004(I blogged about his passing here.) I seem to miss him more instead of less as time goes by. This is a repeat of a Thursday Thirteen I did earlier, but I wanted to re-run it in honor of Father's Day.
Here are 13 of the many things I miss about my dad:
1) His dedicated and passionate love for the Lord
2) His sense of humor--including his corny-but-funny jokes
3) His love of music--something he passed down to all of his children
4) His beautiful singing voice. I can still hearing him sing his signature song, Submission:
Not what I wish to do
Nor where I wish to go
For who am I, that I should choose my way?
The Lord shall choose for me
Tis better far, I know,
So let him bid me go, or stay.
5) Hearing him play the trombone--something he continued to do until he got really sick
6) Talking with him. Long, meaty conversations, about everything from politics and current events to theology and everything in between. I miss that so much.
7) Going on walks with him. Every time I visited my folks in Texas or they came up to visit me, my dad and I would go walking together.
8) Hearing him pray. Many's the night I would hear him praying in another room as I fell asleep.
9) The way he would literally be on the edge of his seat when there was a fight scene in a movie or TV show
10) The way he would play with his grandchildren--horsing around with them when they were younger, playing Dominoes or other board games with them as they grew older
11) The funny songs he would make up on the fly--and often inserting our names into
existing songs
12) The way he would greet me when he phoned me: "Cindy? This is your daddy..."
13) The many ways he showed his love for his family
I miss you, Daddy.
Go here to participate in Thursday Thirteen
this is beautiful - I just lost my dad two weeks ago
Very sweet. It is hard to lose a parent. Sounds like your dad was a good guy.
I can totally relate. I lost my dad last year.
Have a great day!
My dad passed away in Ocotber of 2004 (same year as your dad?), and I seem to miss him more as well. I am so sad that he isn't here enjoying his grandchildren, watching them grow up, making memories. They were only 8 (they, as in twins) when he passed. I miss my talks with him. I miss his greeting, "How are the babies?" even when they weren't babies anymore. It hurts.
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