1) The Ultimate Blog Party has proven to be an amazing way to check out other blogs and have other blogs check out mine! Kudos to the lovely ladies at 5minutesformom for coming up with this terrific idea. It's not over yet; the Party lasts through tomorrow, so go check it out if you haven't yet.
2) USA Today has a interesting article today about how Americans are ignorant about religion. My own Bible knowledge is fairly good, but I must admit I probably don't know enough about other religions.
3) American Idol last night: I think my favorites were Melinda and Lakisha. The girls continue to impress more than the guys.
4) Lost episode last night: I really, really liked it. It was a return to what drew me to the show in the first place. Naveen Andrews, who plays Sayid, is a wonderful actor, and I was touched by the Iraqi woman who had been tortured. Plus, the ping-pong on the beach was fun.
5) The movie "300" looks intriguing--probably for a couple of reasons for me. My mother's family came to America directly from Sparta, Greece, so I've always been rather interested in the Spartans. Plus, Gerard Butler is in it. I loved him in Phantom of the Opera. However, there appears to be quite a bit of violence and eroticism in the movie. Definitely not family-friendly.
6) I'm reading Lisa Samson's Quaker Summer and loving it. I'm continually amazed by her seemingly effortless way with words. Beautiful.
7) It's good to see my friend Don Elbourne blogging again. Don is the pastor of a church whose facilities were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina...you can check out my interview with him here.
8) *Sigh*...it's Cadbury Creme Egg season again. I'm addicted, but hey, they're not as bad as you may think. They are 3 Weight Watchers points, and they're so rich, even sweet-toothers like me would have trouble eating more than one at a time.
9) Did someone say spring is right around the corner? It doesn't feel much like it here in Northern Illinois, although it's supposed to warm up to a balmy 38 degrees today.
10) Don't forget the Daylight Savings Time change this weekend. I'm a big fan of Daylight Savings Time...love the "longer" days!
11) Good article here about "Amazing Grace"--more about the song and its author than about the current movie.
12) I got a call late last night from my husband, who had just arrived in Texas and gotten his first introduction to our new grandson (yes, he got to meet Payton first. And I'm jealous, but not too much because, Lord willing and if the creek don't rise, I'll be seeing him soon myself. *big smile*) Well, apparently little Payton more than lives up to the hype, and the e-mailed pics we've received (and gushed over) don't even do him justice.
13) Which brings me to the fact that I'm flying out of O'Hare tomorrow evening to head down to Texas myself. I have a million things to do, and if you are so inclined, I'd be grateful for any prayers lifted up for traveling mercies for me!
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