Friday, February 02, 2007

Reflections on being a grandma

...and, Open Mic Friday!--and a few other pertinent things

Well, those of you who are grandparents tried to prepare me for the burst of love I would experience at the birth of my first grandchild, but I guess I still wasn't prepared.

I can't describe how crazy I am about this baby, and I haven't even gotten to see him yet in person! I oonstantly look at the few pictures I have of him. I can't wait to see and hold him...hopefully in the very near future.

I do have a favor to ask. If you are a grandparent whose grandchild(ren) lives quite a ways from you, please give me some advice on how to live through this! How do you keep yourself alive and real to the grandbaby that lives so far away?

I do try to get down to Texas as often as possible, and I'm sure my son and his family will try to make it up here as well. But I would love to have some concrete suggestions on how to make sure baby Payton knows and loves his grandparents.

Open Mic Friday!

I must say, this hasn't been the smash hit I hoped it would be, but here we go again. This is YOUR TURN to give me any links that you think are worthy to be read...whether it's a post of yours or someone else's, a favorite website, or just introducing us to your blog. So, give me your links!

As always, I only ask that they be clean, profanity-free, and family-friendly. Just leave 'em in my comments section.

Update on Burlap to Cashmere's Johnny Philippidis beating case

Back when Burlap to Cashmere band member Johnny Philippidis was brutally beaten in an apparent road rage incident, I blogged about it and even interviewed Johnny's sister Nicole a few times.

The latest on Johnny: reportedly he and his cousin, B2C member Steven Delopolous, will be touring, as Burlap to Cashmere, with Jars of Clay.

Back when this happened, I requested Google to alert me if there was any media update on Johnny's case. Surprisingly, there was one in my Gmail today. You can read the article here.

Bear Down, Chicago Bears!

Well, of course it's all about the Bears this weekend, but Green Bay Packers fans also have something to celebrate. It's just been confirmed that Packers' quarterback Brett Favre is returning for another season. (As of the last Packers' game of the season, that was in doubt.)

And now I leave you with a Chicago Bears joke. Go out and have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

This morning a Gary, Indiana kindergarten teacher explains to her class
that she is an Indianapolis Colts fan.

She asks her students to raise their hands if they are Colts fans, too.
Not really knowing what a Colts fan was, but wanting to be liked by
their teacher, their hands fly into the air.

There is, however, one exception. Susie has not gone along with the
The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different. "Because I'm
not a Colts fan" she reports.

"Then," asks the teacher, "what are you?"

"I'm a Chicago Bears fan," boasts the little girl.

The teacher asks Susie why she is a Bears fan. "Well, my Dad and Mom are
Bears fans, so I'm a Bears fan, too" she responds.

"That's no reason," the teacher says. "What if your mom was a moron, and
your dad was an idiot. What would you be then?"

Susie smiles and says, "Then I'd be a Colts fan."

Go Bears!

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