Since I'm drawing a blank on blogging ideas today, I decided to report on what OTHER people are blogging! If you read this and you're not mentioned here, tell me what YOU'RE blogging about in my comments section...and of course, provide a link to it!
--Randy at Reflections in Life reviews Don Piper's 90 Minutes in Heaven.
--Smiling Sally is taking part in the Blue Monday meme.
--Chris Brauns at A Brick in the Valley has some good thoughts on the importance of waiting.
--Ann-Marie at The Left-handed Rabbit blogs about getting to know her dad's side of the family.
--Robin Lee Hatcher at Write Thinking shares a beautiful view from her patio.
--Big Doofus might've over-exerted himself a bit.
--Angela Hunt at A Life in Pages is sharing a video.
--Dan Burrell has a house you might want to rent if you're visiting western North Carolina.
--"We're Living Proof that Depravity is Total."--Phil Johnson at PyroManiacs.
--Dave Kendall at The Silent Fool says it's never too late to become the person you want to be.
--Barbara at Tidbits and Treasures was impressed with a presentation at her church by Teen Challenge.
--La Shawn Barber blogs about Christians in Hollywood.
--David at Jollyblogger writes about his cancer experience.
--Janet at Quoth the Maven isn't sorry she fell asleep during the Golden Globes.
--Reformed Grits is sad that her son won't be playing soccer anymore.
So what are YOU blogging about? Give me a link!
Just started my blogging career!! My latest entry is on childhood winter memories. Stop by and leave your childhood memory.
I blogged about relearning how to smile.
I blogged today about the homosexual Episcopalian bishop praying at Obama's inauguration along with Rick Warren.
You can imagine what I had to say about it.
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