A plethora of links and tidbits to send you off into your weekend!
--Christianity Today picks The 10 Most Redeeming Films of 2009, including "The Blind Side."
--If you're a Lostie, a good place to check out theories and reactions is Whitney Matheson's USA Today Pop Candy blog. However, although spoilers aren't allowed, sometimes I try to avoid it this blog because I want to be completely surprised by the story...and these people are good at figuring things out ahead of time!
--Today is National Chocolate Mint Day, and that makes me think of Girl Scout Cookies. What are your favorites? Do you freeze them, and if so, do you eat them frozen? (Raising my hand.)
--What would it be like if moms broadcast the Olympics? Author Sharon Hinck has some fun with the idea.
--Worth a read: my friend Joel Griffith's take on global warming/climate change.
--Cleveland tops the list of Most Miserable U.S. Cities. (The city I live in makes the list at number 14.)
I finished reading the book, The Blind Side given to me by one of my friends. I also enjoyed seeing the movie. (The book may not be approved by all because of some words we wouldn't use...just a warning.)
Some moms couldn't report the Olympics because they are too nervous to even watch their child perform. But for the moms who could, I'm sure we would all have fun listening to their comments.
Denver isn't a miserable city!
I can see factoring in crime and unemployment, but I don't see what the sports teams have to do with it.
I would factor in weather. There are a lot of places I couldn't live because of miserable weather. Although I guess that's too subjective. I find the heat miserable while other people love it.
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