OK, so I have a lot of friends on Facebook. 744, to be exact...at last count.
It's funny, because I originally wasn't too crazy about Facebook when I first started there. There are still things about it that REALLY annoy me. (I won't go into them right now). But I have found out that it's a neat way to keep in touch with friends and to network with others.
For today's Thursday Thirteen, I thought I would randomly choose 13 of my friends on Facebook.
I'm leaving out some last names to protect privacy, but some of these people have blogs, and I'm going to link to them.
So here we go. 13 Random Facebook Friends of Mine:
Donna-Jean Breckenridge--Donna-Jean is a beautiful lady who blogs at Liberty and Lily. I've actually done a radio interview with her, and my blogging about the needs of Lakeshore Baptist Church's post-Katrina situation prompted her to organize a mission trip to help out.
Matt Brown--Matt blogs at Good Brownie, and he happens to be an alumni of Cedarville University, where my sons went.
DeDe B is a good friend of mine who lives in the same town as I do. We've had a lot of fun times together, including once several years ago when she accompanied me on a radio station trip to Branson, Missouri. That was a blast! DeDe has a great sense of humor, husband is hilarious, and their kids are about the same ages as ours. I love DeDe!
Carla Rolfe is another person that I know only through blogging. Her Reflections of the Times is a thoughtful, intelligent, theologically-savvy blog with a Calvinist bent.
Todd B--Todd is a college friend of my son Jonathan's; in fact, he was a groomsman in Jonathan's wedding.
Darlene Gauthier Schacht is the bright, energetic, lovely woman behind Christian Women Online magazine. I've also had the privilege of interviewing Darlene on my radio show, and you can listen to the interview here if you like.
Lisa Anderson is director of corporate media and public relations at Focus on the Family. She and I actually have one of the same quotes on our "info" page:
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." --Jim Elliot
Jesse Butterworth is a musician who I met a time or two when I used to attend the Gospel Music Association convention in Nashville; he was the lead singer of the band Daily Planet. I had to laugh when, on Shrove Tuesday--also known as Pancake Day--Jesse posted his surprise that, despite being married to Mrs. Butterworth, he had no idea it was Pancake Day!
--Amanda L S--is "Mandy" to me...she is married to one of my nephews, and is a beautiful and sweet young woman.
--Ray Hashley is a radio friend of mine. He is the station manager of WGNR in Indianapolis. Several years ago, Ray helped out at one or two of our station Sharathons, and endeared himself to everyone with his pleasant, gracious personality.
--Amy Parham would fit into the celebrities-that-I-don't-actually-know-but-are-kind-enough-to-be-my-Facebook-friend category. She was one of my favorite contestants on last season's Biggest Loser--one of my favorite shows, as you know if you read this blog. Amy and her husband Phil truly transformed themselves, and now they help motivate others to do the same with their website, Phil and Amy Fitness.
--Kathy Herman writes suspense novels.
--Allen Asbury is another singer who I don't know personally, but who was nice enough to add me as a "friend." I fell in love with Allen's voice when I heard him as Peter in "The Promise," an incredible musical based on the life of Christ. His performance of "Peter's Song" was powerful and beautiful. We now play his songs on Radio 91, one of the stations where I work.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun!
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