The highlight of my Thanksgiving vacation? Getting to spend time with my son, my daughter-in-law, and of course, the most wonderful, most beautiful, most adorable baby in the world--my grandson, Payton. The picture to the left was taken when we picked them up at O'Hare. My beaming countenance says it all!

Of course, my hubby is crazy about Payton. Here, you see them dancing at Quizno's.

My daughter Elizabeth adores her nephew. She had to work quite a bit, but she spent as much time with him as she possibly could.

My husband and me with baby Payton on Thanksgiving Day. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Kelvin and Sherrie, were kind enough to host the whole clan, and it was a wonderful time!
This will go down in history as the first Thanksgiving dinner at which I did NOT have fudge or real Coke. In fact, the only non-diabetic treat I had was a half of a small chocolate chip cookie. I did, however, indulge in my own Weight Watchers' graham cracker dessert and a Weight Watchers pumpkin pie I made after finding it on the blog of The Amazing Shrinking Mom. Both were absolutely delicious!
All in all, it was a wonderful holiday. Saying goodbye to my kids was really hard, but I'll see that baby again as soon as I can make a way to do so!
1 comment:
What a cutie Payton is! I can just imagine the fun you had with him.
Way to go on keeping the goodies under control.
Welcome back!
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
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