Friday, October 31, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 31: I Did It!!!!

When I began this blogging challenge, Write31Days, a month ago, my blog was lying almost dormant.  I figured, what better way to show myself that I CAN blog regularly, than to be obligated to blog every single day for a month?

I chose the topic "Gracefully Aging," because that is my goal at this stage of my life.  To be honest I found so many resources and angles, I probably could have enough material to blog for two monnths and not just one.  But...whew!...I'm glad I don't have to.

Will I blog every day from now on?

No.  That's a burden that I don't think is even necessary.  My blog readership isn't that big, even though it has increased substantially during this challenge.  I don't have thousands of readers hanging onto my every word.

I blog mostly for the pleasure of it.  It's like having my own little's an area where I can be creative in a fun way.

But I will definitely blog more than I was doing before this challenge.

I've learned I can commit to something and see it through to the end...and that's a great feeling!

If you found me through this challenge, I hope you'll continue to stop by here.  One of the best things about this challenge is finding some really wonderful blogs that I don't want to lose touch with.

It was from one of my fellow challengees that I found the quote I'm going to leave you with. Charity of The Wounded Dove posted this as part of her topic, Falling in Love with the Journey.  It's a quote from a Reader's Digest article.  Although it pertains to marriage, I think it fits perfectly with the concept of aging gracefully:

Part of being a happy man is to never lose the boy within; the same goes for women – there is the spirit of a young girl inside, no matter how many wrinkles edge the eyes. Maintaining a childlike love of life, laughter, nature, and each other is the real secret to a perpetually blessed relationship. It is also living in the present, not the past. In the completion stage of marriage, there is never a belief that the best times are over – they should always be today and tomorrow.
To those of you who visited my blog and commented during this challenge. THANK YOU.  It's been a great experience.  It's injected me with a new enthusiasm for blogging.  I hope you'll keep coming back!

I just finished  "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I've been blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for inks to each post in the challenge!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 30: Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren
photo credit 
We all know women who wear their age well...who are lovely in spite of the advancing years.

In my case, those women include my mom and my older sister, both of whom I've profiled in this series.

There are a few famous women who also appear to be aging well.  One of them is actress Helen Mirren, who was recently chosen as a spokesmodel for L'Oreal Paris.

Several years ago, at the age of 63, Mirren set the world back on its heels when a paparazzi caught her on the beach wearing a red bikini and looking fantastic in it.

This is from a recent article:

"...Mirren, thank the Lord, doesn’t feel bad about her face... She doesn’t look like someone who has had work done. She looks like a woman who has lived a bit, and laughed a lot, and who knows she has been lucky in her looks, but also knows that how you look is a pretty small part of who you are. She looks, in fact, like a woman who is happy in her skin. 'The weird thing is,' she says, 'you get more comfortable in yourself, even as time is giving you less reason for it. When you’re young and beautiful, you’re paranoid and miserable. And then you’re older and it’s ironic.'"

And this from an article about the now 69-year-old Mirren's new role for L'Oreal:

"Participants [in a consumer survey] described Mirren as 'genuine, intelligent and glamorous, with looks that seem only to improve with the passing of time.'  And this down-to-earth, positive approach to ageing comes across in the 69-year-old’s comments about the L’Oréal gig: 'I am not gorgeous, I never was, but I was always OK-looking and I’m keen to stay that way.

'I hope I can inspire other women towards greater confidence by making the most of their natural good looks. We are all worth it!'"

photo credit

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'm blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 29: Blogs! Patti of Not Dead Yet Style

Patti of Not Dead Yet Style
A few years ago, I realized that I had to make peace with the fact that I was getting older. Along with that realization came the decision to actually embrace it and be the best "woman of a certain age" that I could be.

A couple of blogs have been major inspirations to me in this journey.  One is Over50Feeling40, which I posted about earlier.

Another is Not Dead Yet Style.

First off, the title is SO perfect! As Patti, the chic and elegant woman behind this awesome blog, says, "I am a fifty-something woman, wife, professional, auntie and crazy cat lady. Though pressured by society to recede gracefully, I prefer to burst out with a love of fashion and style. We are not dead yet, so let's enjoy every sandwich and gild the lilies."

Visible Monday

One of the first things that drew me to Patti's blog was a bi-weekly bloghop she hosts called "Visible Monday," in which women are encouraged to feature "a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day. No restrictions, just share your beauty."

I've actually participated in this bloghop many times, and it stretched me because I never considered myself a fashion blogger.  But it was fun getting to play model for the first time in my life.

Here's the post that inspired this bloghop.  Patti writes: "Common wisdom holds that at a certain age, women no longer garner the attention of men in public. We are still loved by our husbands and partners, and told we are beautiful, but the world at large no longer sees us as noteworthy."

She says Visible Monday is a way to "celebrate our diverse beauty and love of style." 

"I came up with the idea of a 'Visible Day' for us bloggers, in which we post an outfit, accessory, lipstick color, hairstyle, etc., that expresses our Joy of Being (Physically) Visible."

If you want to be inspired, motivated and encouraged in your determination to age gracefully, I can't recommend Not Dead Yet Style highly enough!

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'm blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 28: Living in an empty nest

I cherish any time I spend with my daughter and two sons, because they all live away from me

"I love that my kids are all out of the house," said a friend to me recently. "When I clean something, it stays clean for a while. I can put something in the fridge that I want to have later and never come back to find it gone.  My husband and I don't have to hide it when we want to be intimate.  Honestly, when they come to stay for a while, I'm ready when it's time for them to leave!"

My friend just summed up some of the positive aspects of the empty nest...and there definitely are some!  However, her kids all live either in the same town or just a couple of hours away.

Insert whine here.  I live in Illinois, and all three of my grown children live in Texas.

My empty nest syndrome doesn't have anything to do with, say, not knowing who I am other than a parent, or not knowing what to do with myself.  It just really boils down to MISSING MY KIDS!

Since it doesn't appear that my husband and I will be moving to Texas any time soon, I deal with the problem by going to visit them as often as I can, and having them visit me as often as they can.

I recently quit my part-time job so that I would be more free to take these trips to Texas, because all three of my grandchildren are there too...and I'm quite simply CRAZY about them. I'm still adjusting to the loss of income, and trying to expand my freelance voice-over career to make up for it.

To me, here are some of the disadvantages of the empty nest:

1) Too much alone time.  My husband has a very busy job, and I often find myself alone.  I try to deal with it by reaching out to friends and family members...walking with my sister-in-law, going out to lunch.  And frankly, it doesn't hurt that I'm a voracious reader and can be content at almost any time and place with a book in my hand!

2) Feeling sorry for myself because my kids are so far away.  I try to deal with this by being involved in other things, like my church's prayer chain, working out, tackling home projects I never had time for when I was working, etc.

3) Again, quite simply, just MISSING my children.

But, as my friend said, there are advantages! Remember how crazy busy you used to be as a mom? Driving kids to activities, cooking, cleaning up after them, doing laundry, packing lunches, the never-ending cycle of duties and chores?

Those duties have either disappeared or greatly diminished, and that can be very enjoyable.

I'm going to leave you with some quotes about the empty nest.

After the last child moved out, my husband said, "Do you realize we can make love every single day, even in the daytime, in every single room in the house?" I had one single thought.... I need to find a day job fast. -- Robin Fox

via Pinterest

Now that the kids have moved on, I have two unoccupied kids rooms in my house. I don't call them that, I prefer to call them rent-free storage facilities. I got two rooms full of two decades worth of stuff they insist they need until they have a bigger place of their own. Only thing missing are a few dead cats and then we could be on "Hoarders." -- Robin Fox

via Pinterest

If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the piles and piles of laundry will disappear all too soon and that you will, to your surprise, miss them profoundly. - Thomas Manson

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 27: Losing a Parent

In a few days, I'll observe an anniversary I never wanted...the first anniversary of my mother's death.  Of course, people lose parents at every age.  My husband's mom died when he was 12 years old.  But as we age, it's only natural that our parents may precede us in death.

Three months after my mom died unexpectedly, I wrote the following.  I thought I would share it again here.


On the evening of November 5, 2013, I got the phone call that forever changed my life.

It was my son Justin, calling from Texas where most of my family lives.

When I saw his picture on my phone, I expected a light-hearted chat.  But the first thing I heard sounded like some sort of static. I later realized it was the sound of him crying.

When he was finally able to speak, I heard the terrifying words, "I don't have any details, but Uncle David says Momo is unresponsive, and it isn't good."

That was a little over three months ago, and I'm still navigating an ocean of grief.


The sudden death of a loved one is different from other deaths. I'm not saying it's worse, just a bad way.

I don't discount or minimize the grief that lasts for years, seeing a loved one waste away slowly, perhaps in pain or not themselves. That's what happened with my dad. The loss is no less of a loss, and carries its own brand of heartache.

But the death of my mother...with no warning, no inkling other than that she was 80 years old and had high cholesterol...gobsmacked us.

 In my father's case, we were able to peruse hospice literature that readied us for the end. We were able to gather around him and say our final good-byes. We were as prepared as one can be for the death of a loved one--which, granted, is never prepared enough.

 But we were able to release him to heaven and not feel sucker-punched.


One thing we cling to is the apparent peacefulness of her death.  She laid down for her usual afternoon reading session that usually resulted in a nap. She had fallen asleep and died of cardiac arrest. No trauma, no pain...she simply went to sleep and woke up in heaven.

And yes, we are so thankful for that. We are completely cognizant of and grateful for the blessings...that she never suffered, didn't linger in the throes of a painful and debilitating disease. We rejoice that she's with my dad and all the loved ones that have gone on before.

But my mother...oh, my mother was amazing, wonderful, everything a mother should be. She was central to our existence. She was the hub around which we all gathered. She was the matriarch. Her unconditional love, her joy, her encouragement, her support, her smile, her faith, her grace--essential to our lives.

An ocean of grief

I said earlier that I'm navigating an ocean of grief.  Some days are relatively smooth and fair, others are stormy and tumultuous.  It's unchartered territory for me, because the pain is much more acute and shattering than was (and is) the grief for my beloved father.

We siblings ask, almost rhetorically, "When will this pain end?" "When will our grief settle down and become manageable?"

The truth is, on any given day, at any given moment, I could cry for my mother.

Sweet friends who have been through the same thing try to give us light at the end of the tunnel.  I look forward to a time where it won't be so raw, so painful to the touch, where tears will be few and far between.

I also look forward to the day that I'll see both my parents again.  If I didn't have this hope, this faith, I don't see how I could carry on at all. How do people do it who don't have this hope?

In the meantime...

I just miss my mommy.

Note: A year later, I'm still grieving, although the grief seems more manageable in many ways.  If you lose a parent and are haven't a hard time dealing with it, please be aware that most communities offer grief counseling groups that can be very helpful.  That may well be an option for you.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 25: Judy Chapman, Modern & Mature

As I said before, I'm a big fan of YouTube beauty tutorials. But when I first started watching them, there were very few tutorials by anyone other than young women... many of them little more than teenagers.

I was very pleased to find a few that were near my age.

Judy Chapman of Modern and Mature is not only my age, but she's gorgeous. She doesn't talk about make-up much--she leaves that to her daughters, make-up artist Samantha and Nicola of Pixiwoo.

 But she gives marvelous fashion advice, and she looks AMAZING. Always appropriate for her age, but fashionable and attractive.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Gracefully Aging, Day 26: Great Quotes about Aging Well

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford

I think women should start to embrace their age. What's the alternative to getting older? You die. I can't change the day I was born. But I can take care of my skin, my body, my mind, and try to live my life and be happy.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'm blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 24: The Joy of Grandparenting

One of the biggest blessings of getting older is become a grandparent.  Being Nana to three precious little boys is one of the greatest joys I've ever experienced! Here are some quotes about grandparenting.

What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars' worth of pleasure. ~Gene Perret

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Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. ~Welsh Proverb

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What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies. ~Rudolph Giuliani

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Grandchildren bring a whole new dimension of love.~My mom, Cynthia Garrett

Our grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends - and hardly ever our own grown children. ~Ruth Goode

It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace. ~Christopher Morley

photo credit
I would love it if my grandchildren someday feel this way about me.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 23: A Makeup Tutorial for Mature Women

Nicola and Samantha Chapman, "Pixiwoo"
Two of my favorite YouTube makeup artists are British sisters Sam and Nicola Chapman, who go by "Pixiwoo."

These lovely girls have an equally lovely mother, Judy Chapman, who occasionally does videos herself as "Modern and Mature." More about her in another post.

Here, though, I wanted to share with you a video in which Nicola does her mother's makeup.

It's well worth a look, especially is you're wondering how you may need to adjust your technique as you get older.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 22: Our Aging Parents, Part 2

My brother-in-law with my father-in-law, who is nearing 90.  Family members make sure he has frequent meals out with us.
I asked my Facebook friends and blog readers to comment on their experiences in taking care of their aging parents.  Here are some of the responses:

Lea: (I've learned) that in order to be a good caregiver one must take care of herself or himself, with adequate rest, good nutrition and time for themselves.

Karen:   My mom is in a wonderful nursing home...she is in a wheelchair and has dementia. ..I have googled mom's favorite music and played for her...she always smiles so big when I do thus...I know that she remembers these oldies and perhaps a good memory will come to mind for her...also we reminisce about old times which helps me and her....

Amanda: I 've learned since working in a nursing home, to try a memory book.  We use a memory book a lot with my grandma. She has dementia and doesn't remember when we visit her. All it is, is a spiral notebook with the date the time of visit and what we talked about. When she doesn't think that we come and visit her, we open the book and let her read

Lauren:  I am seeing this with my Mom right now. My Grandmother passed away in January and my grandfather has had some health issues, so my Mom has been caring for him. She has some sisters who help, but she is retired so she is usually the one to do the running. It is emotionally exhausting. Definitely something for us to be planning for!

Tabitha:  At times it can be very frustrating...but never let them think for one second that you are will make them feel like a burden and after they are gone, you'll regret it. I'm thankful that God helped me in this area with my in laws. There are still some things I regret (because there always are when someone dies), but that's not one of thankful!

Looking ahead: much as we don't like to think of our own old's actually just around the corner.  This article has some great advice and suggestions on how to plan for your own golden years, including anticipating financial and health concerns for yourself and your spouse.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 21: Our Aging Parents

With my dad in 2003, about a year and a half before his death

I'm an orphan.

I never thought I would be able to categorize myself that way, but there it is.  My dad passed away in 2004 after a fairly long battle with cancer, and  my mom died unexpectedly almost a  year ago.

I'm going to talk more in my next post about dealing with grief over the loss of my parents.  But I wanted to address something that many people my age are experiencing now: caring for aging parents.

Switching roles

Sometimes middle-aged adults find themselves switching roles with their they age, the parents being more like children while the children assume a more parental role. This can be  extremely stressful, especially if siblings aren't willing to pitch in and share responsibilities.

My husband's father is approaching 90.  Thankfully he's in good health and still lives fairly independently, but he needs help with many things that he didn't need before.  He doesn't drive anymore, and at least some of his meals need to be provided.  My husband and his five brothers share responsibilities.

But what about those of you who find yourselves being caregivers to aging parents? How do you deal with it?

USA Today recently featured a list of tips for caring for aging parents.  They include making a caregiving budget; exploring free or low-cost public benefits, and considering professional help, among several other practical suggestions.

My mom with my dad, just a few months before he died

As it turned out, I had very little to do with caring for my dad is his final years.  I lived in Illinois, while he lived in Texas.  My mom did most of the caring for him, along with my sister and her family who lived nearby.

Do you care for an aging parent?

Or have you notice the your role as your parents' child changing? I'd love to get your thoughts in  my comments.  I'd also love to know if there have been any resources that have helped you in this journey.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 20: Blogs! Pam of Over50Feeling40

Pam Luttrell of OverFiftyFeeling40

"Every time we get dressed each day, we are sending a message to ourselves as well as the outside world.  If I throw on a large, over sized T-shirt and do not fix my hair or makeup, then the message to me and others is that I don't care or matter.  If I go to the wacky extreme, then I am saying I want attention and do not feel confident in my skin...though it might appear to the world the exact opposite."
Definitely one of my biggest inspirations in my quest to be the best "woman of a certain age" that I can be is Pamela Luttrell of Over50Feeling40.

Pam writes:

"..when I turned fifty and began to look at my adult children moving on, I had to ask this question of myself again.  In my remaining years, who do I want to be?  The last eleven years of my life have been about moving toward that answer.

"Reinvention is one of those concepts discussed by some books and seminars as if a magic wand can touch your head and suddenly change the course of life.  The truth is reinvention requires perseverance, determination, and those precious ticks of the clock we are so aware of now."

Reinventing yourself

For Pam, reinventing herself included taking a good long look at how she was dressing and what her hair and makeup said about the image she was presenting to others.

Her new attitude has resulted in a successful blog, appearances and speaking engagements, and partnerships with department stores and other businesses.

Do you need to "reinvent yourself" as you mature? If you feel you do, Pam has 5 (practical, common sense, doable)  Tips for Personal Reinvention here.

And if you would appreciate guidance, suggestions and inspiration in your gracefully-aging years, I can't recommend Over50Feeling40 highly enough!

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 19: Wise Words

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 18: Christie Brinkley's Anti-Aging Tips (some may surprise you!)

Christie Brinkley posing with her daughter Sailor

It's hard to believe that supermodel Christie Brinkley turned 60 years old in February 2014.  She's still gorgeous, and if she's had any "work done," it's certainly not obvious!  Plus her figure is still swimsuit-worthy by anyone's standards.

A recent Huffington Post article culled some quotes from Christie from around the web.  Here are a few of her anti-aging tips...and as I said, one or two may surprise you.

Smile.  Christie recently told Prevention Magazine, "The mere act of putting your lips in that position tells your body to release chemicals that instantly make you feel better."

(I totally agree with this, and I firmly believe smiling can take years off your face.)

Hair extensions. Christie told HuffPost style that she wears 16-inch clip-in hair extensions almost every day. According to the article, "Brinkley uses the hair pieces to add body and highlights to her thinning locks, which instantly reverses the signs of aging hair."

"I think of it as a choice," she's quoted as saying.  "Do I want to put in the time or do I just want to put in the hair? Literally, it's just click, click, click,"

Eat sensibly, but allow yourself the occasional treat. "Go ahead and have the Kit Kat at the movies. If you don't satisfy an urge sometimes, you often substitute less-satisfying things and end up eating more."  She does believe in eating three meals a day, and says she snacks on things like melon and nuts.

Make working out fun.  Christie works out regularly, but she believes in changing things up often to avoid boredom.

Exfoliate daily.  She told People Magazine, "I’ve done it since I read that guys look years younger because they shave,"

When she was featured in People Magazine shortly before her 60th birthday, Brinkley wrote on Instagram; "I never would would have imagined this is how I would be celebrating my 60th …But Thank you PEOPLE Magazine for hopefully sending the message that with proper diet , exercise ,and joie de vie, every Birthday is cause for Celebration!”

Sounds like a good philosophy to me!

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 17 : A Responsiblity to Mentor Part 2

My older sister and my late mom...two of my most precious mentors
In my last post, I talked about the importance of older women sharing their wisdom with younger women in the form of teaching and/or mentoring.

I had asked this question on Facebook:

Ladies, is there a woman older than you that you look up to as a mentor, role model or inspiration? Who is she and why?

Here are more of the replies I received:

Sherry:  My mom has always been there for me through my losses and gains. I love her so much.

Renata:  My mom, Debra. She is an independent, hard working, compassionate, loving, giving, intelligent person. She is my inspiration to be a stronger, wiser person.

Gail:  It's funny that you would ask this question. I have a lady who became an inspiration to me back in 1982 in Washington, D. C. She was my employer for about 3 years. Unfortunately, I did not remain in touch with her over the years. But, I thought of her many times and spoke of her quite often. With the help of modern technology, I've been able to reconnect with her on Facebook after all these years. She relocated to Colorado.

The lady I'm so proud to speak of is someone I'd rather not reveal her name at this time without having her permission. She is now in her 80's. I have told her on Facebook how important she has been to me over the years. She became my employer at a quasi governmental agency in Washington, D. C. She also happened to be from the South. I was hired to be an Administrative Assistant and was compensated generously during my employment.

I found my employer to be an awesome lady. She was professional in every sense of the word. Not only was she gorgeous, but she was amazing. She believed in her faith and was also health conscious. She was married and had children. She led our agency with unbelieveable commitment and passion concerning the education of children. We presented information to the Governor of Maryland. I was involved in producing a published report of our findings which I still have. I was even named in the credits.

My employer not only stayed focused on our mission, but she also showed concern for my well being. If I were sick, she'd bring me rice pudding. She would bring fresh cut flowers for my desk. She instilled in me a desire to be professional in every way that became a part of who I am today. She also provided me the paid opportunity for continuing education. One of those classes was concerning understanding the U. S. Congress.

Kathy:  Mine has been in heaven several years. She prayed for me and sent notes of encouragement.

Tina: My Mom! Her love for the Lord, & her servant's heart!

Is there such a woman in your life? Or maybe you have been able to mentor and encourage a younger woman? Tell me in my comments!

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!

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