Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gracefully Aging, Day 16: A Responsibility to Mentor

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Has an older woman been especially helpful in your life as a mentor, encourager, and/or inspiration?

I believe that one of the greatest benefits of growing older is the wealth of wisdom we accrue simply by living and learning from our experiences.  We have more practical wisdom in that regard simply because we have the benefit of years compared to our younger female friends.

Check out Titus 2:4 on what the Bible has to say on older women teaching younger women.  It's pretty clear.

Patti M. Hummel writes:

"Today’s young women today are caught up in the whirlwind of life in a way that no generation before had a clue about. These young women are bombarded with schedules and business that some of us older women cannot imagine. Whatever happened to those evenings that were spent sitting on the front porch talking with neighbors while the children played under the stars until they were ready to drop? Whatever happened to quiet evenings at home?

"...There are many wonderful things we can do ... that add joy and encouragement to the lives of others, particularly younger women. The most important thing we can do to provide hope and refreshment to the souls of younger women is praying for and with them."

My sweet mom, who passed away in November 2013, was my greatest mentor.  The wealth of teaching and encouragement she gave me is priceless.

I asked this question on Facebook:

Ladies, is there a woman older than you that you look up to as a mentor, role model or inspiration? Who is she and why?

Here are some of the answers I got:

Ashley: My Aunt Mary! Everything she has been through in life and still has an amazing outlook on life and a great sense of humor! And now she is going to kick this breast cancer's butt!!

Ann:   My sister Jeanette.  Although she is only 4 years older she had been a source of inspiration to me always in the word, an excellent teacher, and has gone through many adversities. The loss of her son Kevin at the age of 42, and the caregiver of her husband Darrell whom because of her excellent care out lived his life time expectancies. And then going through the pain of his death yet still standing strong in The Lord.

Lori:  My mom, whose name is Pearl. She and dad were married 61 years before dad's death from COPD in June, 2013. Their marriage and life together was and is such a beautiful story! Mom is such a selfless, beautiful lady who lives her life for the Lord. She was dad's sole caregiver until Hospice stepped in and helped do what we couldn't. I wish everyone could be so blessed as we are to have her for a mom, grandma, and great-grandma.

Tammy:  There are several but my first choice would be Jan S. She has ALWAYS encouraged me as a wife and mom, she is a Godly lady who leads by example.
1. She serves The Lord, her husband, family, friends and others.
2. She is hospitable - many a time, I have heard her say, "You never know when you are hosting angels in unaware.".
3. She is a homemaker.
4. She is strong (surviving a near death experience fighting back from the grips of cancer). Boy, am I thankful to have her alive and healthy these past 4 years.
5. She laughs at herself, at you and with you.
6. She is wise (more than not when we don't know the answer to something we say, "Call Jan, she knows everything!".
7. She is kind, caring, loving, helpful, & friendly.
Jan is my mentor and inspiration. In my opinion, she is a Proverbs 31 woman

I'll share more of these Facebook replies in my next  post.

I'm participating in "31 Days: A Writing Challenge,"  in which I 'll be blogging on the subject of Gracefully Aging every day during the month of October.  Click the button below for more information and links to each post as they become available!


Unknown said...

Life is different. Even for me, Facebook used to be something I did on occasion now almost a day doesn't go by that I don't check it. There is good and bad with this new technology.

Susan said...

I had several Titus 2 women in my life; now, I pray, I AM ONE!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate this post. As someone who has been praying for and seeking a mentor for a while, I'm grateful that you offer this challenge/reminder. It also reminds me that while I seek mentorship it doesn't let me off the hook from offering it either, if there's someone God puts in my life with that nudging ;)

By the way, I'm also excited about your post because I've been writing a series on "Secrets to Living an Adventure-filled Life" and wanted to include 'mentoring' as well! If you have any ideas, suggestions or thoughts on this, I'd truly love to hear them!!

Shellie said...

i love this. i have learned through the years that having a mentor sometimes has less to do with age and more to do with wisdom & the way they live their life.

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