Wednesday, November 26, 2003
"When he said we were trying to make a fool of him, I could only murmur that the Creator had beaten us to it." Ilka Chase
Happy Thanksgiving to the millions who read my blog!

OK, OK, it's more like the ten people who read it. :) Seriously, though...I really do have a lot to be thankful for. Not the least of which is my dear husband and precious children.
And I'm not just generally thankful to fate, destiny, or some unidentified force. My thanks goes to God, the almighty and powerful creator of the universe, who for inexplicable reasons chooses to seek a personal relationship with love me in spite of my innumerable faults and failings. Amazing, humbling and awe-inspiring.
Oh, yes, I'd say "thanks" are definitely in order.
My daughter is a Grobanite

No, she hasn't joined some freaky cult. She is a fan of Josh Groban, a young man with an heart-meltingly beautiful voice.
Lately, I've been falling asleep to the melodious sounds of Groban's voice coming from my daughter's CD player in her room. Let me tell you, there are much worse things to fall asleep to. Groban has a classically trained voice, and he wraps it beautifully around real songs, often in Italian. Some of his songs, like "The Prayer" and "You Raise Me Up," have definite spiritual overtones.
Critics are giving lukewarm reviews to his latest CD, Closer . The top complaints seem to be what they view as the overly-lush orchestration and overly-sentimental lyrics (People Magazine even hinted he should stick to Italian). People's critic also said Closer is a CD only Grobanites will love.
Guess that makes me a Grobanite, too. :)
I still love Groban's debut CD. And I'm pleased that Elizabeth is developing a discerning ear when it comes to music.
And speaking of music, and young prodigies, check this young man out...

Charmel interviewed Nicholas Jonas on Radio 91 yesterday. This remarkable 11-year-old not only has a great voice, but loves Jesus, has a heart for others, and writes a lot of his own songs! Wow!
Click here to hear a sample of Nicholas' song, Joy to the World/A Christmas Prayer.
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
A "seeking" song...

Every once in a while, a popular song comes along that seems to be saying, "I'm looking for God...someone help me find Him."
I heard such a song recently. The lyrics are poignant; they paint a vivid portrait of a messed up world that (although they don't realize it) is desperately in need of a Savior. The song is "Calling All Angels," by Train:
"I need a sign to let me know you’re here
All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere
I need to know that things are gonna look up
Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup
When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you can feel the world shake from the words that I said
And I’m calling all angels
And I’m calling all you angels
And I won’t give up if you don’t give up
I won’t give up if you don’t give up
I won’t give up if you don’t give up
I won’t give up if you don’t give up
I need a sign to let me know you’re here
Cause my tv set just keeps it all from being clear
I want a reason for the way things have to be
I need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me
And I’m calling all angels
And I’m calling all you angels
When children have to play inside so they don’t disappear
While private eyes solve marriage lies cause we dont talk for years
And football teams are kissing queens and losing sight of having dreams
In a world where all we want is only what we want untill it’s ours
And I’m calling all angels
And I’m calling all you angels..."
The line "I need a hand to help build up some kind of hope in me..." speaks volumes.
Songs like this strongly remind me of what I should be doing and being as a Christian in this troubled world. The writer of this song is not the only person that "needs a hand to help build up some kind of hope." I'm supposed to be that hand, representing the hand of Jesus to neighbors and acquaintances.
It goes back to the Casting Crowns song that I posted earlier in this blog. "If we are the body, why aren't His hands reaching?"
Funny that a secular song has preached me a much-need sermon.
Friday, November 21, 2003
Thanksgiving Forecast (corny but funny :))

Turkeys will thaw in the morning, then warm in the oven to an afternoon high near 190F. The kitchen will turn hot and humid, and if you bother the cook, be ready for a severe squall or cold shoulder.
During the late afternoon and evening, the cold front of a knife will slice through the turkey, causing an accumulation of one to two inches on plates. Mashed potatoes will drift across one side while cranberry sauce creates slippery spots on the other. Please pass the gravy.
A weight watch and indigestion warning have been issued for the entire area, with increased stuffiness around the beltway. During the evening, the turkey will dimish and taper off to leftovers, dropping to a low of 34F in the refrigerator.
Looking ahead to Friday and Saturday, high pressure to eat sandwiches will be established. Flurries of leftovers can be expected both days with a 50 percent chance of scattered soup late in the day. We expect a warming trend where soup develops. By early next week, eating pressure will be low as the only wish left will be the bone.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
I love Justin!

When we realized that it just wasn't going to be financially feasible for my 20-year-old son Justin to go back to Cedarville University this fall, I was disappointed for him. He was all set to begin his junior year as an accounting major. He really enjoys Cedarville and has made a lot of friends there. Our older son Jonathan is a 2002 graduate of the school, which is a Chrisitan liberal arts college with a wonderful spirit.
Wonderful though it is, Cedarville is also very expensive. And Justin had some bumps in the road of his employment situation over the summer. The result: just not enough bucks to get back into school.
The news isn't all bad, appears he will still be on track to graduate with his class when he goes back in January. And the Lord has graciously provided the financial means for him to go back. I'm thrilled for him, but another part of me is sad.
You see, I LOVE having Justin around. With his sense of humor and "joie de vivre," he injects a major shot of fun and happiness into our household. He gives Elizabeth a hard time, and sometimes they rough-house together like they did when they were little. I'll hear Liz screaming with laughter while Justin "terrorizes" her...but she's crazy about him.
He's working in the deli at Wal-Mart, and his hours are varied, so I end up getting to spend quite a bit of time with him.
And I know I'm going to miss him dreadfully when he goes back to school.
I think it's been great for Doug, too. He has a companion to watch and discuss sports with...Justin is as big a sports fan as his father. And, Justin is the child, out of all my three, who is most like his father in so many ways. Sensible, capable, logical, but also blessed with a great sense of humor.
Let's face it, I'm crazy about all my children, equally. But I am so grateful for these few months with Justin around. As He so often does, God took something negative--a delay in Justin's college education--into a gift: some quality time with my baby boy.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Veteran Apologist Bob Passantino Dies
Received word of this from Kevin Johnson of Mount Carmel Outreach and the Institute for Christian Apologetics:
(From Cornerstone Magazine's website):
"Answers in Action's Bob Passantino died Monday, November 17, of a massive heart attack. Well-known as a writer and speaker, Bob's greatest contributions may have come from the vital ministry he and his wife, Gretchen, have run from their modest dwelling in Orange County."
Passantino and his wife authored several books on things like witchcraft, Satanism and the occult. I honestly can't remember if I ever read any of his books, but I remember hearing a lot about his ministry. Click here to read more about Passantino.
(From Cornerstone Magazine's website):
"Answers in Action's Bob Passantino died Monday, November 17, of a massive heart attack. Well-known as a writer and speaker, Bob's greatest contributions may have come from the vital ministry he and his wife, Gretchen, have run from their modest dwelling in Orange County."
Passantino and his wife authored several books on things like witchcraft, Satanism and the occult. I honestly can't remember if I ever read any of his books, but I remember hearing a lot about his ministry. Click here to read more about Passantino.
Part Two: My Interview with Jeri Massi, author of "Valkyries"

Here is Part Two of some excerpts from my interview with Jeri Massi, author of Valkyries.
(This is all I'm going to post of the interview, but I'm looking into converting the actual audio into some form where it can be listened to online.)
Scroll down to read Part One
CINDY: Why was it so important to you as an author, Jeri, to get across the theme of grace...because that is the overriding theme of these books.
JERI: I think the most important thing that any of can us can know is the grace of God.This is stated in the book by one of the characters, because really, the grace of God is the only thing that we possess.We tend to think that we have our education, our family, our place in our church,our physical home, our money, our jobs, and we really don't...any of that can be taken away in an instant. But what we have that we never lose,
if we have Christ, we have Christ forever...and all of the wealth that God pours out to His Son Christ,
He also gives to us through Christ because we belong to Christ, and we are one with our Saviour.
When I started to get ahold of that truth...when I realized that no matter how nice I looked, how well I could speak, what I could accomplish...all of this is very temporal, changeable and ephemeral...and it's all sort of a hoax even that I play with myself, because I remain a sinner...that I completely depend on God, whether I know I depend on Him or not, my life is completely dependent on His good will. But God is very good, and very gracious, and He holds before mankind forever this promise, this bounty, this wealth that we can have in Christ...and really,that is the only thing that we get.
Again, as I looked at Christian fiction as a younger woman, I was disheartened because even though I live a moral life and I definitely advocate moral behavior, very much Christian fiction tends to display the idea that Christianity is the same thing as morality, and it is not. Christianity is about Christ and belonging to Christ and having Him be our righteousness, our forgiveness and our resurrection.
CINDY: The story is set in a Catholic school, and there are some negative aspects of the Catholic faith portrayed in the book, but not totally. Can you speak to how you dealt with that, because I know that is an aspect of the story that is somewhat autobiographical for you.
JERI: Right. Well, I went to Catholic school for nine years. I went to a parochial school for eight years and then a private girls' school for one year where basketball was very important to the people. Again, after I got saved at age 14, I was amazed at some of the hostility I saw towards Roman Catholic people. But my church,which is BenSalem Baptist Church up in Philadelphia, was very good, and our church was about 80 per cent former Roman Catholic.
But in the book,I did want to clearly show the errors of Roman Catholic belief, the doctrine, what is written on the page. But in the book, one person who is a model Valkyrie is one of the sisters, sister James Anne, who
who is based on a nun who had in elementary school. Now in the story
she is a retired high school teacher, but I had a sister James Anise who who was the first person who ever sincerely took me aside to tell me that Jesus loved me.
Now, nobody is saved but by the blood of Christ, but God's grace is God's domain...He dispenses His grace, He grants mercy, and there are Roman Catholic people who do truly trust the Savior. And so I didn't want to vilify people...I care about Roman Catholic people. I would like them to be able to come to Christ without the intervention of a priest or a pope, because we can come to directly come to Christ, and that was very important for me to say.
So I do identify the fallacies of doctrine, but I've never yet had a Roman Catholic person who has read the book
complain to me about the book. In fact, a couple of people were very keen on reading the book,
because they wanted somebody who has been a Catholic to talk about these issues and present some ideas about the grace of God and the power of Christ to keep us from sin.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Part One: My interview with Jeri Massi, author of "Valkyries"
Here is Part One of some excerpts from my interview with Jeri Massi, author of Valkyries:
CINDY: First of all, what is a "Valkyrie," and how does that figure into the books?
JERI: A Valkyrie comes from Norse mythology, and the Valkyries were Odin's shield maidens.
The myth is that Odin, the Norse god, wanted to have a retinue of people who would serve him, but he realized that if he picked men they would glory in their he picked women to become warriors that would serve him because they had to derive their strength from him.
When I was in grad school, I read that in Renaissance literature Christians routinely used pagan literature, because they believed that pagan literature in some shadowy way would point to Christian truth, since
Christian truth is all truth. So looking at that mythological element, I thought, that is really a dim pointer at a
a very pertinent truth for us: that our strength comes from God, and thata woman who is trusting in the Lord really gets her strength from him and is capable of doing great exploits in the name of God.
CINDY: And that whole Valkyries symbolism does have significance for the young girl in the book, Tracey Jacamuzzi.
Just give me a little thumbnail sketch of what this story is all about.
JERI: After I worked for BJU Press, I was disheartened at how Christian fiction, especially for young people, tends to portray saved people---Christian people, believers--as being beyond their own sin, tends to portray them as being very very good. And some that's still out there tends to really draw a sharp dichotomy; and Christians are portrayed as being good and unsaved people are portrayed as being bad.
We're all sinners...I'm a sinner, I know that. I was saved when I was 14 and remained a sinner and am a sinner today...and one of the great mottos of my life is that every day of my life I continue to sin and every day of my life Christ continues to save me and be my salvation.
So I wanted to write a story about a teenager, a young person, who gets saved and does remain a sinner, and
it's there in the story that she truly is saved, truly wants to follow the Lord, but she battles what she is. And that is the story; that's the story of the exploits that she has before her, to overcome sin, which ultimately she finds out
is overcome by Christ.
And so, to write that story,just because I like adventure stories, I just had to put something exciting in there, and I decided that girl's basketball was probably the best pick for me to use, and so I used that.
The story does surprise some people because there is a certain amount of violence in it, fighting in it, and it's among girls, and that has surprised some readers--I haven't received any complaints on that--but
it is a very gritty story of a girl coming to Christ and living in very tough circumstances...and she has to develop traits of strength, truth, courage,fortitude and personal integrity, and all of that is set in a Catholic school.
She's raised Roman Catholic, she is saved at a Baptist tent meeting; her parents ship her off to this Catholic school; she starts really shooting off her mouth about how all these people are wrong...and the captain of the girl's basketball team essentially says to her, "You know, you have got a big mouth, and you're going to get yourself killed here, and I don't want to hear anything about God, but I'm going to teach you how to play basketball."
And so this girl, Liz Lucas, befriends Tracey and they become best friends, and Liz truly is a wonderful best friend
and teaches Tracey how to play basketball, and very much of the story is devoted to their exploits on the ball court.
CINDY: You and I were talking about that earlier, and it's appropriate nowadays because
girls' sports is huge now, all across the Christian schools, in public schools, everywhere;
girls' basketball is very exciting nowadays, and (laughing) I'm biased because my husband is the coach of a girl's basketball team, but I tell you, there's some real excitement in girl's athletics these days.
JERI: I'm really glad to hear that, because I'm a fourth-degree black belt in tae kwon do-- I'm a terrible basketball player, I know all about the game, but I'm an awful basketball player--but, yes...When I was growing up, Christian girls did not have that type of fiction available to them...adventure stories that feature girls, or stories of courage and strength that feature young girls, and that was one of my goals. I think that women face many dangers, especially today, and all of the virtues have to be learned by everybody, and it was important to me to
get that across in the book.
Coming: Part Two of excerpts from my interview with Jeri Massi

CINDY: First of all, what is a "Valkyrie," and how does that figure into the books?
JERI: A Valkyrie comes from Norse mythology, and the Valkyries were Odin's shield maidens.
The myth is that Odin, the Norse god, wanted to have a retinue of people who would serve him, but he realized that if he picked men they would glory in their he picked women to become warriors that would serve him because they had to derive their strength from him.
When I was in grad school, I read that in Renaissance literature Christians routinely used pagan literature, because they believed that pagan literature in some shadowy way would point to Christian truth, since
Christian truth is all truth. So looking at that mythological element, I thought, that is really a dim pointer at a
a very pertinent truth for us: that our strength comes from God, and thata woman who is trusting in the Lord really gets her strength from him and is capable of doing great exploits in the name of God.
CINDY: And that whole Valkyries symbolism does have significance for the young girl in the book, Tracey Jacamuzzi.
Just give me a little thumbnail sketch of what this story is all about.
JERI: After I worked for BJU Press, I was disheartened at how Christian fiction, especially for young people, tends to portray saved people---Christian people, believers--as being beyond their own sin, tends to portray them as being very very good. And some that's still out there tends to really draw a sharp dichotomy; and Christians are portrayed as being good and unsaved people are portrayed as being bad.
We're all sinners...I'm a sinner, I know that. I was saved when I was 14 and remained a sinner and am a sinner today...and one of the great mottos of my life is that every day of my life I continue to sin and every day of my life Christ continues to save me and be my salvation.
So I wanted to write a story about a teenager, a young person, who gets saved and does remain a sinner, and
it's there in the story that she truly is saved, truly wants to follow the Lord, but she battles what she is. And that is the story; that's the story of the exploits that she has before her, to overcome sin, which ultimately she finds out
is overcome by Christ.
And so, to write that story,just because I like adventure stories, I just had to put something exciting in there, and I decided that girl's basketball was probably the best pick for me to use, and so I used that.
The story does surprise some people because there is a certain amount of violence in it, fighting in it, and it's among girls, and that has surprised some readers--I haven't received any complaints on that--but
it is a very gritty story of a girl coming to Christ and living in very tough circumstances...and she has to develop traits of strength, truth, courage,fortitude and personal integrity, and all of that is set in a Catholic school.
She's raised Roman Catholic, she is saved at a Baptist tent meeting; her parents ship her off to this Catholic school; she starts really shooting off her mouth about how all these people are wrong...and the captain of the girl's basketball team essentially says to her, "You know, you have got a big mouth, and you're going to get yourself killed here, and I don't want to hear anything about God, but I'm going to teach you how to play basketball."
And so this girl, Liz Lucas, befriends Tracey and they become best friends, and Liz truly is a wonderful best friend
and teaches Tracey how to play basketball, and very much of the story is devoted to their exploits on the ball court.
CINDY: You and I were talking about that earlier, and it's appropriate nowadays because
girls' sports is huge now, all across the Christian schools, in public schools, everywhere;
girls' basketball is very exciting nowadays, and (laughing) I'm biased because my husband is the coach of a girl's basketball team, but I tell you, there's some real excitement in girl's athletics these days.
JERI: I'm really glad to hear that, because I'm a fourth-degree black belt in tae kwon do-- I'm a terrible basketball player, I know all about the game, but I'm an awful basketball player--but, yes...When I was growing up, Christian girls did not have that type of fiction available to them...adventure stories that feature girls, or stories of courage and strength that feature young girls, and that was one of my goals. I think that women face many dangers, especially today, and all of the virtues have to be learned by everybody, and it was important to me to
get that across in the book.
Coming: Part Two of excerpts from my interview with Jeri Massi
Monday, November 17, 2003
This is so funny!!! Looks like one blogger is busted....
Check it out: "Mom finds out about blog..."
Heh, heh, heh...I'm glad there's nothing in this blog that I'm ashamed of...except possibly for the fact that it may be boring as heck.
But my mom is welcome to read it, anytime. In fact, Mom, if you're reading this right now: I love you!!! You're the best. :)
Heh, heh, heh...I'm glad there's nothing in this blog that I'm ashamed of...except possibly for the fact that it may be boring as heck.
But my mom is welcome to read it, anytime. In fact, Mom, if you're reading this right now: I love you!!! You're the best. :)
If we are the body of Christ....
One of the criticisms of today's Christian music--and sometimes deservedly so--is that the lyrics are shallow, lacking meaning, and often seem to have little to do with the Lord.
But that's not always true, not by a long shot. For example, one of the songs our station currently has in fairly heavy rotation is by a new band called Casting Crowns.
(Pictured: [L to R] Mark Hall, lead singer of Casting Crowns, and Hector Cervantes, guitar and vocals)
My daughter and I heard their song, "If We are the Body," while we were out and about this weekend, and we were both struck by how meaningful and even convicting the lyrics are. Here they are:
"If We are the Body
Casting Crowns
It's crowded in worship today
As she slips in trying to fade into the faces
The girls' teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat and quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgmental glances
Tells him that his chances are better out on the road
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
Jesus is the way"
But that's not always true, not by a long shot. For example, one of the songs our station currently has in fairly heavy rotation is by a new band called Casting Crowns.

(Pictured: [L to R] Mark Hall, lead singer of Casting Crowns, and Hector Cervantes, guitar and vocals)
My daughter and I heard their song, "If We are the Body," while we were out and about this weekend, and we were both struck by how meaningful and even convicting the lyrics are. Here they are:
"If We are the Body
Casting Crowns
It's crowded in worship today
As she slips in trying to fade into the faces
The girls' teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat and quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgmental glances
Tells him that his chances are better out on the road
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the body of Christ
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
Jesus is the way"
My heart hurts when I hear news... the news about the collision of the two Black Hawk helicopters in Iraq over the weekend.
I am a conservative, and I support President Bush, and I understand the need for the United States to get tough against terrorism. That a mother of two young men and the sister of a young man who served in the Gulf heart hurts every time I hear the news of even one more young life lost in Iraq.
While I long for a world where mothers would never have to bury their beautiful sons and daughters, I tend to believe that--as the Imperials used to sing--"There will never be any peace until God is seated at the conference table."
President Bush says he spent time in prayer over the weekend at Camp David, for the troops in harm's way and for their families. May we all join him in that prayer.
I had a wonderful time with my daughter on Saturday!
Elizabeth and I had some great one-on-one girly time together on Saturday. :)
First, I took her to get her hair cut and highlighted. We go to the home of a woman named Lori, who has a little salon in her basement. The prices are very reasonable, and she does a terrific job. Liz got blonde highlights, which look beautiful with her Swedish-girl complexion and blue eyes. And she went for a change that might seem minor, but gave her an entirely new look: bangs. From there it was on to the a regular salon where she gets her eyebrows waxed.
Of course, I'm totally biased, but she looks absolutely beautiful.
The eyebrow waxing is always fun, because Genevieve is a Christian and a faithful listener to the radio station. The salon is a day spa that has all kinds of beauty services, including hair, makeup, massage therapy, facials, you name it...but it's not snooty like a lot of the day spa's I've encountered.
The atmosphere is really neat, though. It's in an old Victorian house that used to be part of the now-defunct Victorian Village shopping area near the downtown part of our city. Genevieve leads you up to a room that she has tastefully decorated with purple touches. Soft harp-like music is playing, lending an air of tranquil serenity. Elizabeth lies down on a special couch, and Genevieve begins to do her magic. Liz always emerges with movie-star-gorgeous eyebrows.
I've often wanted to have it done myself, but the truth is, I'm not sure if I have enough eyebrows to work with! I do pretty well on my own just by regular plucking of strays. Maybe someday...
I also have a free facial coming to me from Genevieve that I haven't taken advantage of yet. I'm thinking of saving it for the stress-filled holidays.
When she was finished, Gen persuaded Liz to let her put some lipstick on her and have her kiss an index card for a "Hot Lips" contest the spa is having. Normally Elizabeth wears just a touch of gloss, but she looked gorgeous and glowing with a berry color. I was bowled over at my daughter's beauty, but as soon as we got into the car she rubbed the lipstick off: "That was just too much, Mom!" was just a lot of fun having this mother-daughter time together. Another reason I thank God for blessing me with a daughter along with the two boys.
I am a conservative, and I support President Bush, and I understand the need for the United States to get tough against terrorism. That a mother of two young men and the sister of a young man who served in the Gulf heart hurts every time I hear the news of even one more young life lost in Iraq.
While I long for a world where mothers would never have to bury their beautiful sons and daughters, I tend to believe that--as the Imperials used to sing--"There will never be any peace until God is seated at the conference table."
President Bush says he spent time in prayer over the weekend at Camp David, for the troops in harm's way and for their families. May we all join him in that prayer.
I had a wonderful time with my daughter on Saturday!
Elizabeth and I had some great one-on-one girly time together on Saturday. :)
First, I took her to get her hair cut and highlighted. We go to the home of a woman named Lori, who has a little salon in her basement. The prices are very reasonable, and she does a terrific job. Liz got blonde highlights, which look beautiful with her Swedish-girl complexion and blue eyes. And she went for a change that might seem minor, but gave her an entirely new look: bangs. From there it was on to the a regular salon where she gets her eyebrows waxed.
Of course, I'm totally biased, but she looks absolutely beautiful.
The eyebrow waxing is always fun, because Genevieve is a Christian and a faithful listener to the radio station. The salon is a day spa that has all kinds of beauty services, including hair, makeup, massage therapy, facials, you name it...but it's not snooty like a lot of the day spa's I've encountered.
The atmosphere is really neat, though. It's in an old Victorian house that used to be part of the now-defunct Victorian Village shopping area near the downtown part of our city. Genevieve leads you up to a room that she has tastefully decorated with purple touches. Soft harp-like music is playing, lending an air of tranquil serenity. Elizabeth lies down on a special couch, and Genevieve begins to do her magic. Liz always emerges with movie-star-gorgeous eyebrows.
I've often wanted to have it done myself, but the truth is, I'm not sure if I have enough eyebrows to work with! I do pretty well on my own just by regular plucking of strays. Maybe someday...
I also have a free facial coming to me from Genevieve that I haven't taken advantage of yet. I'm thinking of saving it for the stress-filled holidays.
When she was finished, Gen persuaded Liz to let her put some lipstick on her and have her kiss an index card for a "Hot Lips" contest the spa is having. Normally Elizabeth wears just a touch of gloss, but she looked gorgeous and glowing with a berry color. I was bowled over at my daughter's beauty, but as soon as we got into the car she rubbed the lipstick off: "That was just too much, Mom!" was just a lot of fun having this mother-daughter time together. Another reason I thank God for blessing me with a daughter along with the two boys.
Friday, November 14, 2003
A terrific phone conversation
I got a phone call today from Jeri Massi, the author of the Valkyries books, and what a pleasure to talk with her! She is intelligent, insightful, and actually very pleasant to talk with. I'm looking forward to interviewing her about "Valkyries" some time next week.
I'll admit, one of the things I love about my job is the opportunity to get paid for talking about great books!
I was delighted to see that Jane Kirkpatrick has included a transcript of my interview with her, as well as my review of "A Name of Her Own" and "Every Fixed Star," on her website. You have to do a little searching for it, but if you click on "Monthly Memo's" and scroll down, it's there. You can also read it on this blog. Check the sidebar for a link.
Master and commander Russell Crowe
I don't know what it is about Russell Crowe that appeals to me so much. I know he's not technically handsome, certainly not in a "pretty boy" kind of way, but in movies that I've seen him in, I find him strongly appealing.
USA Today gives Crowe's new movie, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
a great review today, with three-and-a-half stars. And USA Today movie reviewers don't go freely tossing those review stars around.
Mike Clark calls the Peter Weir-directed movie "mystically entertaining," and "a plain old good movie," and calls Crowe's performance "his second consecutive performance (after 'A Beautiful Mind') to better his Oscar-winning role in 'Gladiator.'"
I'm a big fan of Gladiator...more on that later...but the first time I noticed Crowe was in an apparently little-seen and much-panned Western movie called The Quick and the Dead.
He didn't even have a big part in the movie(or at least not big enough, in my humble opinion), which starred Sharon Stone as (improbably) a gunslinger who gets involved in a gunfighting competition to avenge her father's death. Crowe played a former preacher who is hated by the movie's villain, Gene Hackman. Crowe's performance made me sit up and take notice and ask, "Who is this guy?"
Gladiator only served to reinforce my admiration of Russell Crowe as an actor. And that's not the only reason I love the movie. If you love history, as I do, it is a must-see. (Yes, there is violence and gore, but almost no bad language and/or sexual situations.)
This movie also brings the marvel that was the Roman war machine to vivid life...and helps you understand the Apostle Paul's military metaphors when he writes about spiritual warfare. Talk about "fiery darts"!
After seeing Crowe as General Maximus, fit and powerful, it was stunning to see his transformation in A Beautiful Mind as a brilliant professor suffering from mental illness. There are certain scenes in which you can scarcely believe that this is the same man who was in "Gladiator." To me, that's one of the marks of a great so completely portray a character that you forget about previous characters he's played, or even his real-life persona.
As a Christian, I take a dim view of Hollywood, since I know there is little of real worth to come out of the movie-making industry. Yet, I truly enjoy quality movies that spin great yarns, portray fascinating characters, and are not diametrically opposed to a Christian world view.
I know that most Hollywood actors probably have philosophies and lifestyles that are the polar opposite of my beliefs, and I'm not saying I admire Russell Crowe as a person. (Although I do like the fact that he's taking a good deal of time off from acting to be with his wife and his expected baby, because he wants to immerse himself in fatherhood.)
But I can certainly enjoy and appreciate his acting...and I'm looking forward to, at some point, getting a chance to see "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" for myself.
I'll admit, one of the things I love about my job is the opportunity to get paid for talking about great books!
I was delighted to see that Jane Kirkpatrick has included a transcript of my interview with her, as well as my review of "A Name of Her Own" and "Every Fixed Star," on her website. You have to do a little searching for it, but if you click on "Monthly Memo's" and scroll down, it's there. You can also read it on this blog. Check the sidebar for a link.
Master and commander Russell Crowe

I don't know what it is about Russell Crowe that appeals to me so much. I know he's not technically handsome, certainly not in a "pretty boy" kind of way, but in movies that I've seen him in, I find him strongly appealing.
USA Today gives Crowe's new movie, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
a great review today, with three-and-a-half stars. And USA Today movie reviewers don't go freely tossing those review stars around.
Mike Clark calls the Peter Weir-directed movie "mystically entertaining," and "a plain old good movie," and calls Crowe's performance "his second consecutive performance (after 'A Beautiful Mind') to better his Oscar-winning role in 'Gladiator.'"
I'm a big fan of Gladiator...more on that later...but the first time I noticed Crowe was in an apparently little-seen and much-panned Western movie called The Quick and the Dead.
He didn't even have a big part in the movie(or at least not big enough, in my humble opinion), which starred Sharon Stone as (improbably) a gunslinger who gets involved in a gunfighting competition to avenge her father's death. Crowe played a former preacher who is hated by the movie's villain, Gene Hackman. Crowe's performance made me sit up and take notice and ask, "Who is this guy?"
Gladiator only served to reinforce my admiration of Russell Crowe as an actor. And that's not the only reason I love the movie. If you love history, as I do, it is a must-see. (Yes, there is violence and gore, but almost no bad language and/or sexual situations.)

This movie also brings the marvel that was the Roman war machine to vivid life...and helps you understand the Apostle Paul's military metaphors when he writes about spiritual warfare. Talk about "fiery darts"!
After seeing Crowe as General Maximus, fit and powerful, it was stunning to see his transformation in A Beautiful Mind as a brilliant professor suffering from mental illness. There are certain scenes in which you can scarcely believe that this is the same man who was in "Gladiator." To me, that's one of the marks of a great so completely portray a character that you forget about previous characters he's played, or even his real-life persona.
As a Christian, I take a dim view of Hollywood, since I know there is little of real worth to come out of the movie-making industry. Yet, I truly enjoy quality movies that spin great yarns, portray fascinating characters, and are not diametrically opposed to a Christian world view.
I know that most Hollywood actors probably have philosophies and lifestyles that are the polar opposite of my beliefs, and I'm not saying I admire Russell Crowe as a person. (Although I do like the fact that he's taking a good deal of time off from acting to be with his wife and his expected baby, because he wants to immerse himself in fatherhood.)
But I can certainly enjoy and appreciate his acting...and I'm looking forward to, at some point, getting a chance to see "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" for myself.
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Thank the Lord for a great husband!
I got a ticket last night.
Shoot, I HATE that know the one when you're hit with the realization that the flashing red and blue lights behind you are intended for you.
The scary thing is, I was clueless. My daughter and I were on our way home from her guitar lesson. It had been a twenty-minute drive in dense fog, so I was a little unsettled and creeped out from that....but that doesn't explain why I completely blew by a stop sign just a few blocks from my house. A stop sign that I see, and observe the formality of stopping at, pretty much every day of my life!
So unaware was I that I had transgressed the law, that when I saw the flashing lights I thought, "Oh, it must be an ambulance..." (a common occurrence because we live near a major local hospital.) But, nope, it was for me.
75 dollars! Of course, I didn't have to pay it at once, but there it is, hanging over my head. I was really dreading telling my husband. I had already been formulating how I was going to tell him that I went to Target to "pick up a few things" and ended up buying a skirt for myself and one for Elizabeth. (But, hey! Mine is an Isaac Mizrahi denim skirt on sale half-price at 12.48, and Liz's was only 4.98! It would have been a crime not to buy them, right? :)
Doug was so sweet about the ticket, though. And he even liked the skirt. We ended up snuggling on the sofa watching TV for the rest of the evening, with me thanking God once again for a kind and loving husband. Not saying he never gets horked off at me (and justifiably so at times)...but it sure was nice to given a hug instead of a reprimand.
Sheesh, why on earth did I run that stop sign????
Speaking of Liz's guitar lesson...
Sometimes it's a sheer pleasure just to listen in.
Elizabeth's guitar teacher, Jerry Jacobs, is a marvel. Jerry is in an oldies band called "The Missing Links" that wins all kinds of awards locally, and a more talented guitarist you would be hard pressed to find. I still usually accompany Liz to her lessons, since she doesn't yet have her driver's license.
Last night I was treated to a lovely duet of "What Child Is This?" with Elizabeth playing her acoustic guitar and Jerry accompanying her on his electric one. Gorgeous! Then, Jerry pulled out his harmonica and accompanied her with that on a blues number. And let me tell you, Jerry can play that harmonica!
It's pretty cool when you take your child to a music lesson and end up getting treated to ear candy.
Shoot, I HATE that know the one when you're hit with the realization that the flashing red and blue lights behind you are intended for you.
The scary thing is, I was clueless. My daughter and I were on our way home from her guitar lesson. It had been a twenty-minute drive in dense fog, so I was a little unsettled and creeped out from that....but that doesn't explain why I completely blew by a stop sign just a few blocks from my house. A stop sign that I see, and observe the formality of stopping at, pretty much every day of my life!
So unaware was I that I had transgressed the law, that when I saw the flashing lights I thought, "Oh, it must be an ambulance..." (a common occurrence because we live near a major local hospital.) But, nope, it was for me.
75 dollars! Of course, I didn't have to pay it at once, but there it is, hanging over my head. I was really dreading telling my husband. I had already been formulating how I was going to tell him that I went to Target to "pick up a few things" and ended up buying a skirt for myself and one for Elizabeth. (But, hey! Mine is an Isaac Mizrahi denim skirt on sale half-price at 12.48, and Liz's was only 4.98! It would have been a crime not to buy them, right? :)
Doug was so sweet about the ticket, though. And he even liked the skirt. We ended up snuggling on the sofa watching TV for the rest of the evening, with me thanking God once again for a kind and loving husband. Not saying he never gets horked off at me (and justifiably so at times)...but it sure was nice to given a hug instead of a reprimand.
Sheesh, why on earth did I run that stop sign????
Speaking of Liz's guitar lesson...
Sometimes it's a sheer pleasure just to listen in.
Elizabeth's guitar teacher, Jerry Jacobs, is a marvel. Jerry is in an oldies band called "The Missing Links" that wins all kinds of awards locally, and a more talented guitarist you would be hard pressed to find. I still usually accompany Liz to her lessons, since she doesn't yet have her driver's license.
Last night I was treated to a lovely duet of "What Child Is This?" with Elizabeth playing her acoustic guitar and Jerry accompanying her on his electric one. Gorgeous! Then, Jerry pulled out his harmonica and accompanied her with that on a blues number. And let me tell you, Jerry can play that harmonica!
It's pretty cool when you take your child to a music lesson and end up getting treated to ear candy.
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Regrets...I've had a few???
I love Frank Sinatra's voice. Let's face it; few singers before or since have possessed Ol' Blue Eyes' ability to put over a song with sheer heart and emotion. But while I appreciate the singer, I can't say I've ever really admired the man. Case in point: his "My Way" has always struck me as an egotistical ode to humanistic pride. (I know he didn't write the lyrics, but he sure sang them with conviction.) One of the lines I truly can't relate to:
"Regrets...I've had a few/ But then again, too few to mention..."
Too few to mention? Wow. I certainly cannot identify with that statement...and it seems incredible, not to mention rather arrogant and callous, that a person could come to the end of his life and have too few regrets to mention.
Regrets? Yep, I have more than a few. For starters, I regret everything I have done (and still do) that has caused pain and disappointment to my precious Lord...who, amazingly, continues to forgive me and love me in spite of my multitudinous sins and shortcomings.
I also deeply regret any pain or hurt I have caused to my fellow travelers on this journey--be they loved ones, friends or acquaintances. How strongly I wish I could go back and prevent actions and decisions that may have caused such pain!
I'm so thankful that God has promised to forgive, although regrettably (there's that word again!) not everyone else will be able to do so. I grasp on to I John 1:9--"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Thank you, Lord, for that!
Other regrets? Well, I would have enjoyed my youth more--appreciated the luxury of smooth skin, gray-less hair and abundant energy and health while I had it...instead of wasting those beautiful years worrying about some extra pounds I had to lose.
I would have cherished my childrens' babyhood and young childhood years more, knowing in hindsight how lightning-quick those sweet days vanish from sight.
Oh, I could go on and on, but I have a feeling I could work myself into a pretty severe depression if I kept this up!
Regrets? Yeah, I've had more than a few...too many to mention! But the optimism in me--the faith and
hope in me--tell me not to dwell too much on those regrets.
The past cannot be re-lived. There are no do-overs in life. But happily, our God is a God of second chances--actually, of many chances. He is a Sovereign God who has a master plan for my life.
So, the golden-throated crooners can warble all they like about doing it "My Way."
With God's help...I'll choose to do it His Way.
"Regrets...I've had a few/ But then again, too few to mention..."
Too few to mention? Wow. I certainly cannot identify with that statement...and it seems incredible, not to mention rather arrogant and callous, that a person could come to the end of his life and have too few regrets to mention.
Regrets? Yep, I have more than a few. For starters, I regret everything I have done (and still do) that has caused pain and disappointment to my precious Lord...who, amazingly, continues to forgive me and love me in spite of my multitudinous sins and shortcomings.
I also deeply regret any pain or hurt I have caused to my fellow travelers on this journey--be they loved ones, friends or acquaintances. How strongly I wish I could go back and prevent actions and decisions that may have caused such pain!
I'm so thankful that God has promised to forgive, although regrettably (there's that word again!) not everyone else will be able to do so. I grasp on to I John 1:9--"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Thank you, Lord, for that!
Other regrets? Well, I would have enjoyed my youth more--appreciated the luxury of smooth skin, gray-less hair and abundant energy and health while I had it...instead of wasting those beautiful years worrying about some extra pounds I had to lose.
I would have cherished my childrens' babyhood and young childhood years more, knowing in hindsight how lightning-quick those sweet days vanish from sight.
Oh, I could go on and on, but I have a feeling I could work myself into a pretty severe depression if I kept this up!
Regrets? Yeah, I've had more than a few...too many to mention! But the optimism in me--the faith and
hope in me--tell me not to dwell too much on those regrets.
The past cannot be re-lived. There are no do-overs in life. But happily, our God is a God of second chances--actually, of many chances. He is a Sovereign God who has a master plan for my life.
So, the golden-throated crooners can warble all they like about doing it "My Way."
With God's help...I'll choose to do it His Way.
Monday, November 10, 2003
Yummy Taco Soup Recipe
As the days get nippier (at least in my part of the country--heck, nippy nothing, it's dipped into the 20's several times),
thought I'd share a really delicious recipe for Taco Soup. It's actually from Weight Watchers, so it's lean and low-fat, but don't tell anyone that will be put off by the fact that it's actually good for you. :)
1 pound very lean ground beef
1 cup chopped onion
1 large can Mexican-style Ro-Tel Tomatoes (or two regular)
1 can pinto beans
1 can black beans
1 can chili beans
1 can corn
1 packet Taco seasoning mix
1 packet Ranch style dressing mix
Brown the beef with the chopped onion; drain. Add other ingredients; DO NOT DRAIN beans and corn.
Cook and simmer until all the flavors are nicely mixed. You might want to serve with some shredded cheddar for sprinkling over the top.
You could also make this in the crockpot (brown the ground beef first, of course), and come home from work or church to a ready-made meal. Add corn muffins or tortilla chips and a tossed salad if you like.
Spent the weekend at the Sanctuary of Mary and Joseph...
Actually, that's the setting of "Valkyries" Books One and Two. Yes, I read BOTH of them in their entirety over the weekend...and still managed to clean, do laundry, visit my sister-in-law, go grocery-shopping, out to dinner with friends, and to church twice on Sunday!
The books are that good. Read my review of them on my website.
I'm also planning to do a radio interview with the author, Jeri Massi. Quite frankly, I'm in awe of her writing talent. These books are unusual in Christian fiction! I know Jeri through an Internet forum, and I've always been struck by her brilliant wordsmithing. (wordsmithery? whatever: the lady can write!)
Wedding plans continue on apace...
I'm just finishing sending Daylyn the last of the wedding invitation addresses from our side...and am embarrassingly tardy in doing so. I'm afraid we haven't made the best impression as future in-laws, when it comes to getting wedding-related things done in an expeditious manner.
Just a few more addresses that it will take a bit of detective work to track down, and I'm all set. Now we just have to make motel reservations, make reservations for the rehearsal dinner, get Doug and Justin fitted for their tuxes, get Elizabeth's bridesmaid dress made, and get a dress for myself put on layaway. Doug and I need to crack down on our normally procrastination-prone selves and get on the stick!
Often in a marriage, one person is the procrastinator and the other is the efficient type. Don't get me wrong, Doug is much more efficient and organized than I am, but we both tend to procrastinate. NOT GOOD!
I need to keep reciting one of Franklin Covey's mantras for highly successful people: Be proactive!
I am looking forward to the wedding, though. Daylyn is a lovely and precious girl, and Jonathan is madly in love with her. For a pic of them, click here.
She is going to be a lovely bride!
thought I'd share a really delicious recipe for Taco Soup. It's actually from Weight Watchers, so it's lean and low-fat, but don't tell anyone that will be put off by the fact that it's actually good for you. :)
1 pound very lean ground beef
1 cup chopped onion
1 large can Mexican-style Ro-Tel Tomatoes (or two regular)
1 can pinto beans
1 can black beans
1 can chili beans
1 can corn
1 packet Taco seasoning mix
1 packet Ranch style dressing mix
Brown the beef with the chopped onion; drain. Add other ingredients; DO NOT DRAIN beans and corn.
Cook and simmer until all the flavors are nicely mixed. You might want to serve with some shredded cheddar for sprinkling over the top.
You could also make this in the crockpot (brown the ground beef first, of course), and come home from work or church to a ready-made meal. Add corn muffins or tortilla chips and a tossed salad if you like.
Spent the weekend at the Sanctuary of Mary and Joseph...
Actually, that's the setting of "Valkyries" Books One and Two. Yes, I read BOTH of them in their entirety over the weekend...and still managed to clean, do laundry, visit my sister-in-law, go grocery-shopping, out to dinner with friends, and to church twice on Sunday!
The books are that good. Read my review of them on my website.
I'm also planning to do a radio interview with the author, Jeri Massi. Quite frankly, I'm in awe of her writing talent. These books are unusual in Christian fiction! I know Jeri through an Internet forum, and I've always been struck by her brilliant wordsmithing. (wordsmithery? whatever: the lady can write!)
Wedding plans continue on apace...
I'm just finishing sending Daylyn the last of the wedding invitation addresses from our side...and am embarrassingly tardy in doing so. I'm afraid we haven't made the best impression as future in-laws, when it comes to getting wedding-related things done in an expeditious manner.
Just a few more addresses that it will take a bit of detective work to track down, and I'm all set. Now we just have to make motel reservations, make reservations for the rehearsal dinner, get Doug and Justin fitted for their tuxes, get Elizabeth's bridesmaid dress made, and get a dress for myself put on layaway. Doug and I need to crack down on our normally procrastination-prone selves and get on the stick!
Often in a marriage, one person is the procrastinator and the other is the efficient type. Don't get me wrong, Doug is much more efficient and organized than I am, but we both tend to procrastinate. NOT GOOD!
I need to keep reciting one of Franklin Covey's mantras for highly successful people: Be proactive!
I am looking forward to the wedding, though. Daylyn is a lovely and precious girl, and Jonathan is madly in love with her. For a pic of them, click here.
She is going to be a lovely bride!
Friday, November 07, 2003
Sweet! It's the weekend, and I have new fiction to read!
When I arrived at work this morning, there was a package from Moody Press waiting for me. It contained Books One and Two of "Valkyries," a series written by Jeri Massi. I've heard a lot of great things about these books, and I can't wait to sink my teeth into them! How providential that they arrived just as the weekend gets underway. Friday night is really the only night of the week I can stay up late without worrying about having to get up early the next morning.
I don't know what, if any plans we have for this weekend. Well, church on Sunday of course, but other than that I don't know. Justin is going tomorrow night to see Jerry Seinfeld live at the Coronado Theater. That should be pretty cool. Jerry Seinfeld is pretty hilarious. It's cool how he can glean humor from everyday situations and observations.
Here's a sample:
"The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever see that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews, Bottle openers. 'Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off. I've got the toe clippers right here.' "--Jerry Seinfeld
Speaking of the Coronado...
The Coronado Theater is one of the most beautiful theaters I've ever seen. You can take a virtual tour of the theater if you like. Not too long ago, the historic theater underwent a massive renovation project. Great care was taken to preserve the history of the theater, while taking care of much-needed improvements, and it's more gorgeous than ever. This theater's history harks back to the days of the silent truly is something our city can be proud of.
A funny thing happened on the way to work...
Earlier this week, I dragged myself out of bed one morning feeling particularly tired. Truth to tell, I never hop out of bed excitedly at four a.m.--but that morning, I seemed even more weary than usual and less ready to face the day.
But I slogged up, (is that a word? :), got ready and headed off to work. Glancing at my car radio, I noticed that the digital time display read "3:50." Huh??? Justin often drives my car, and I wondered if he had turned the clocks back again for the end of Daylight Savings Time, maybe not knowing it had already been changed.
I don't see any bank clocks or anything like that on the way to work, and I wasn't wearing my own watch because its battery was I had to wait till I got to work that I found out that, indeed, I was at work a whole hour early!
Well, I got a lot accomplished at that early hour, although I was especially sleepy that day.
But here's the funny thing. I got a call from my sister-in-law Gail that night. She had heard me talking about it on the radio, and she had done THE VERY SAME THING THE VERY SAME DAY! The only difference was, she realized it in time to head back home instead of showing up at work. I can't believe the same thing happened to us on the same day. What are the odds? :)
In may case, I had inadvertently made my clock radio be one hour later than it should have been...apparently my hand slipped while I was setting the alarm, or something.
Wishing I was there....
My sister Beverly is visiting my folks in Texas right now. I so wish I was there. I'm experiencing a bout of homesickness, not to mention missing Jonathan, who I haven't seen since July. He and Daylyn are coming in early December.
I love being with my sisters, too. They are so much fun and so wonderful...beautiful women with great personalities and senses of humor. I miss them a lot.
And I want to be spending as much time as possible with my Dad, as he doesn't have much time left with us.
People who have all their family nearby are so blessed.
Wow, I'm starting to feel a pity party coming on. Need to remind myself that I am also blessed in a host of ways. Thank you, God, for your goodness.
"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him..." (Lamentations 3:21-26)
I love that verse!
I don't know what, if any plans we have for this weekend. Well, church on Sunday of course, but other than that I don't know. Justin is going tomorrow night to see Jerry Seinfeld live at the Coronado Theater. That should be pretty cool. Jerry Seinfeld is pretty hilarious. It's cool how he can glean humor from everyday situations and observations.
Here's a sample:
"The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever see that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews, Bottle openers. 'Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off. I've got the toe clippers right here.' "--Jerry Seinfeld
Speaking of the Coronado...
The Coronado Theater is one of the most beautiful theaters I've ever seen. You can take a virtual tour of the theater if you like. Not too long ago, the historic theater underwent a massive renovation project. Great care was taken to preserve the history of the theater, while taking care of much-needed improvements, and it's more gorgeous than ever. This theater's history harks back to the days of the silent truly is something our city can be proud of.
A funny thing happened on the way to work...
Earlier this week, I dragged myself out of bed one morning feeling particularly tired. Truth to tell, I never hop out of bed excitedly at four a.m.--but that morning, I seemed even more weary than usual and less ready to face the day.
But I slogged up, (is that a word? :), got ready and headed off to work. Glancing at my car radio, I noticed that the digital time display read "3:50." Huh??? Justin often drives my car, and I wondered if he had turned the clocks back again for the end of Daylight Savings Time, maybe not knowing it had already been changed.
I don't see any bank clocks or anything like that on the way to work, and I wasn't wearing my own watch because its battery was I had to wait till I got to work that I found out that, indeed, I was at work a whole hour early!
Well, I got a lot accomplished at that early hour, although I was especially sleepy that day.
But here's the funny thing. I got a call from my sister-in-law Gail that night. She had heard me talking about it on the radio, and she had done THE VERY SAME THING THE VERY SAME DAY! The only difference was, she realized it in time to head back home instead of showing up at work. I can't believe the same thing happened to us on the same day. What are the odds? :)
In may case, I had inadvertently made my clock radio be one hour later than it should have been...apparently my hand slipped while I was setting the alarm, or something.
Wishing I was there....
My sister Beverly is visiting my folks in Texas right now. I so wish I was there. I'm experiencing a bout of homesickness, not to mention missing Jonathan, who I haven't seen since July. He and Daylyn are coming in early December.
I love being with my sisters, too. They are so much fun and so wonderful...beautiful women with great personalities and senses of humor. I miss them a lot.
And I want to be spending as much time as possible with my Dad, as he doesn't have much time left with us.
People who have all their family nearby are so blessed.
Wow, I'm starting to feel a pity party coming on. Need to remind myself that I am also blessed in a host of ways. Thank you, God, for your goodness.
"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him..." (Lamentations 3:21-26)
I love that verse!
Thursday, November 06, 2003
My site has been added to a webring!
This is so cool! Ellie Shroder, webmistress of The Christian Fiction Site, has invited me to join "The Power of the Story" webring.
A webring is defined as "a group of websites linked together by topic or interest. " Since my website has an entire page devoted to Christian fiction reviews and recommendations, Ellie invited me to join her webring.
Ellie's site is great...far more extensive than mine when it comes to Christian fiction. (Fiction is just one aspect of my site.) Like me, Ellie also has aspirations to write fiction herself. And she lives in New Zealand. How cool is that?
I think Doug is a little puzzled sometimes as to why I enjoy fiddling around with my site so much. I don't know, it just fulfills some creative urge in me. When I was a little girl, I used to make my own newspapers and magazines, cutting out pictures from magazines and pasting them on. I loved doing that, and could while away hours writing articles and literally "cutting and pasting." In some ways, my website feels like an extension of that. It's just really enjoyable for me.
There is so much great Christian fiction out there, by the way. I could immerse myself in it! When I'm reading a really great book, the house could be falling in around me and I would scarcely notice. I have to force myself to come up for air. I LOVE TO READ!!!
How about a little cell phone etiquette here?
With the fact that just about everyone and their dog has a cell phone now, I've noticed a phenomenon that is starting to irk me. (Maybe it's because I don't have a cell phone myself?) seems that a lot of people will just ramble endlessly on their cell phones when they are with you.
Don't get me wrong...I can totally understand having to make or take a call when you're out and about with a friend or family member. Of course, that's going to happen. I'm talking about just yammering on, ad infinitum, while your companion just sits there.
I've particularly noticed it in teen-aged girls, who all seem to be equipped with cell phones these days. My own daughter will probably end up with one as well, when she starts driving. But now,she often finds herself being the third wheel in a social situation with friends who ignore her while they gab endlessly on their cell phones.
You know, I'm sorry, but I think that is just rude. Save your lengthy conversations for another time if you're with someone else. I think that's only common courtesy.
And I'm certain my friend Julie Frantz of Everyday Etiquette would back me up on that.
OK, end of mini-rant. :)
A webring is defined as "a group of websites linked together by topic or interest. " Since my website has an entire page devoted to Christian fiction reviews and recommendations, Ellie invited me to join her webring.
Ellie's site is great...far more extensive than mine when it comes to Christian fiction. (Fiction is just one aspect of my site.) Like me, Ellie also has aspirations to write fiction herself. And she lives in New Zealand. How cool is that?
I think Doug is a little puzzled sometimes as to why I enjoy fiddling around with my site so much. I don't know, it just fulfills some creative urge in me. When I was a little girl, I used to make my own newspapers and magazines, cutting out pictures from magazines and pasting them on. I loved doing that, and could while away hours writing articles and literally "cutting and pasting." In some ways, my website feels like an extension of that. It's just really enjoyable for me.
There is so much great Christian fiction out there, by the way. I could immerse myself in it! When I'm reading a really great book, the house could be falling in around me and I would scarcely notice. I have to force myself to come up for air. I LOVE TO READ!!!
How about a little cell phone etiquette here?
With the fact that just about everyone and their dog has a cell phone now, I've noticed a phenomenon that is starting to irk me. (Maybe it's because I don't have a cell phone myself?) seems that a lot of people will just ramble endlessly on their cell phones when they are with you.
Don't get me wrong...I can totally understand having to make or take a call when you're out and about with a friend or family member. Of course, that's going to happen. I'm talking about just yammering on, ad infinitum, while your companion just sits there.
I've particularly noticed it in teen-aged girls, who all seem to be equipped with cell phones these days. My own daughter will probably end up with one as well, when she starts driving. But now,she often finds herself being the third wheel in a social situation with friends who ignore her while they gab endlessly on their cell phones.
You know, I'm sorry, but I think that is just rude. Save your lengthy conversations for another time if you're with someone else. I think that's only common courtesy.
And I'm certain my friend Julie Frantz of Everyday Etiquette would back me up on that.
OK, end of mini-rant. :)
Monday, November 03, 2003
If you'd like to read my interview with author Jane Kirkpatrick...
...check it out on my October 28th and 29th entries.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the grace of God...
We went to the Mark Lowry concert Friday night (more on that later), and one of the most powerful songs he sang was called "Isn't It Amazing?" It was all about the overwhelming, staggering, awe-inspiring grace of God.
Not for the first time in recent months, it got me thinking about how incredible God's grace has been in my life.
Most people who have known me for years will tell you that I was something of a "goody two-shoes." Part of that was out of a genuine desire to please God and my parents; part of it sprang out of my general make-up of just being the kind of person who didn't want to make waves or upset the apple cart.
However, I think I became a little self-righteous...a little judgemental. And that frame of mind is NOT one that tends to make you realize just how dependent you are on God's amazing grace.
In recent times, though, I've had occasion to once again have my eyes re-opened to...and my heart be overwhelmed by... the awesome, loving, restorative grace of God. He has shown me just how indebted I am to His grace, how needy I am for it, and how deeply grateful I am for it. Not only the grace He has directly shown me, but the grace He has shown me through people in my life who extended it to me during times I needed it most.
Wow...I get a little emotional just thinking about His grace. No wonder they use the adjective "amazing"...there are few words that can really describe it.
By the way, if you'd like to hear that Mark Lowry song on RealPlayer, click here:
Speaking of the Mark Lowry concert...
It was fun, and a genuine blessing! We kind of made it a family affair. Doug, Elizabeth, my nephew David and I helped take tickets. Ray helped work the product table.
Mark is truly funny...there was a lot of laughter. But what gets overlooked sometimes because of his crazy personality, is that Mark is a gifted vocalist. Not only does he have a great voice, but he also has the ability to interpret a song in a way that gets every ounce of meaning across to his audience.
When he sang his "Mary, Did You Know?"(he co-wrote it with Buddy Greene) I was blown away. The lyrics are so great anyway:
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy would some day walk on water?
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.
Mary, did you know, your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you've kissed your little baby, then you've kissed the face of God.
Mary, did you know?
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again.
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak the praises of the Lamb.
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy was heaven's perfect lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding is the great "I am".
Backed up by the Southern Gospel trio "Lordsong," Mark gave me the most stirring rendition of this song that I had ever heard. It was wonderful...and worth the price of admission (if I had paid, but I didn't have to! :))
Lordsong was great...a little reminiscent of the Martins. And Stan Whitmyre on the piano was super, too. In fact, we bought one of his CD's for Elizabeth. She loves piano music.
In all, it was fun evening.
A not-so-great eating experience...
Well, OK, not only was it was actually bad.
Have you ever eaten at a restaurant that looked nice, was clean, etc, but just had really lousey food?
That happened to us the other night. Nothing was really wrong with the food...I mean, it wasn't dirty or unsanitary or anything like that. It just tasted BAD! Just...yucky. And since it was the general consensus of all of us at the table, and we had ordered a variety of different food, we had to conclude that the place really just didn't have tasty food.
Doug and I talked about it later, and we were both reminded of Giuseppe's...of how we eat there cheaper than anywhere else (including the unsatisfactory place), and we all always get satisfied. I mean, I honestly can't think of a bad eating experience I ever had at Giuseppe's.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the grace of God...
We went to the Mark Lowry concert Friday night (more on that later), and one of the most powerful songs he sang was called "Isn't It Amazing?" It was all about the overwhelming, staggering, awe-inspiring grace of God.
Not for the first time in recent months, it got me thinking about how incredible God's grace has been in my life.
Most people who have known me for years will tell you that I was something of a "goody two-shoes." Part of that was out of a genuine desire to please God and my parents; part of it sprang out of my general make-up of just being the kind of person who didn't want to make waves or upset the apple cart.
However, I think I became a little self-righteous...a little judgemental. And that frame of mind is NOT one that tends to make you realize just how dependent you are on God's amazing grace.
In recent times, though, I've had occasion to once again have my eyes re-opened to...and my heart be overwhelmed by... the awesome, loving, restorative grace of God. He has shown me just how indebted I am to His grace, how needy I am for it, and how deeply grateful I am for it. Not only the grace He has directly shown me, but the grace He has shown me through people in my life who extended it to me during times I needed it most.
Wow...I get a little emotional just thinking about His grace. No wonder they use the adjective "amazing"...there are few words that can really describe it.
By the way, if you'd like to hear that Mark Lowry song on RealPlayer, click here:
Speaking of the Mark Lowry concert...
It was fun, and a genuine blessing! We kind of made it a family affair. Doug, Elizabeth, my nephew David and I helped take tickets. Ray helped work the product table.
Mark is truly funny...there was a lot of laughter. But what gets overlooked sometimes because of his crazy personality, is that Mark is a gifted vocalist. Not only does he have a great voice, but he also has the ability to interpret a song in a way that gets every ounce of meaning across to his audience.
When he sang his "Mary, Did You Know?"(he co-wrote it with Buddy Greene) I was blown away. The lyrics are so great anyway:
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy would some day walk on water?
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.
Mary, did you know, your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy will calm a storm with His hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
When you've kissed your little baby, then you've kissed the face of God.
Mary, did you know?
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again.
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak the praises of the Lamb.
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know, that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy was heaven's perfect lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding is the great "I am".
Backed up by the Southern Gospel trio "Lordsong," Mark gave me the most stirring rendition of this song that I had ever heard. It was wonderful...and worth the price of admission (if I had paid, but I didn't have to! :))
Lordsong was great...a little reminiscent of the Martins. And Stan Whitmyre on the piano was super, too. In fact, we bought one of his CD's for Elizabeth. She loves piano music.
In all, it was fun evening.
A not-so-great eating experience...
Well, OK, not only was it was actually bad.
Have you ever eaten at a restaurant that looked nice, was clean, etc, but just had really lousey food?
That happened to us the other night. Nothing was really wrong with the food...I mean, it wasn't dirty or unsanitary or anything like that. It just tasted BAD! Just...yucky. And since it was the general consensus of all of us at the table, and we had ordered a variety of different food, we had to conclude that the place really just didn't have tasty food.
Doug and I talked about it later, and we were both reminded of Giuseppe's...of how we eat there cheaper than anywhere else (including the unsatisfactory place), and we all always get satisfied. I mean, I honestly can't think of a bad eating experience I ever had at Giuseppe's.
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