What's going on in my little corner of the blogosphere...I'm amazed at the quality of the blogs I'm following! I thought I'd take some time to point you in the direction of some great stuff...

--One of my favorite blogs that I just recently began following is
The Weigands. This beautiful Dallas couple (the entire family could make a fortune in modeling, IMHO!) are artistic (she's an artist, he's a photographer and filmmaker), have two adorable babies named Aiden and Ainsleigh, and are refreshingly open about their faith. I love this blog!
Today, Casey and Ainsleigh are sharing a
What We Wore: Girl's Edition. Tell me if you've ever seen a baby girl more adorable than that Ainsleigh!
--This whole Internet thing can get a little overwhelming at times, but Jeff Roney's blog,
RoneyZone Media, always seems to be on the cutting edge with something helpful to share. Right now, he's sharing
ten things you need to get started in (semi)extreme couponing.--Do you like to look at beautiful home interiors--to get ideas for your own home, or just to gape at gorgeousness?
Brabourne Farm is for you. Today, she's
featuring lovely little entry-way
tables, set off to beautiful advantage.

Alison Sweeney is the soap opera star who also hosts one of my favorite TV shows, The Biggest Loser. Alli's blog is a treasure trove for anyone--mommy or not--who's interested in living a more fit, nutritious, healthy life. It's reader-friendly, fun and appealing, and often offers contests and give-aways--like
right now, when there's a chance to win a $1000 dollars American Express Card!
--I've been loving
Blonde Episodes, another blog I discovered only recently. Visiting Kori's blog is like browsing your favorite magazine, except with Kori's personal touch. Kori is a recently-published author too...I'm looking forward to reading her vintage mystery,
Murder on the Boulevard.--Not only is Robin Lee Hatcher a delightful novelist, she's a top-notch blogger as well. Her
Write Thinking blog is appealing, thoughtful, and informative. Her latest post reflects on the fact that, as a Christian fiction writer, she's glad she "writes hope":
"...Even when I've tackled difficult topics such as infidelity or alcoholism, since I know Christ and since most of my major characters know Christ, the books I write cannot help but be stories of hope."
The latest in Andrew Peterson's enchanting Wingfeather Saga series--I happen to love singer/songwriter/fantasy fiction writer
Andrew Peterson, and I heartily recommend his Rabbit Room blog. It features, thoughtful, intelligent, faith-based posts, book and movie reviews-- not just by Andrew but by his friends and compatriots. Check out Andrew's take on Harry Potter:
Harry Potter, Jesus and Me:
"...(J.K. Rowling) didn’t grow up in the Bible Belt of America; she grew up in England. And yet, in defiance of a culture that tends to snub its nose at Christianity, she wrote a story that contains powerful redemptive themes, stirs a longing for life after death, piques the staunchest atheist’s suspicion that there just might be something beyond the veil, and plainly shows evil for what it is—and not just evil, but love’s triumph over it."
--Many pastors blog, but one of my favorite pastor-bloggers is Chris Brauns of A
Brick in the Valley. (It doesn't hurt that I've met Chris and know what a great guy he is...he actually pastors in my area.)
Chris' posts are reader-friendly, clear, and always seem to share something good about faith, the Bible, and the Christian life.
These are just a few of the awesome blogs I follow. I'll share more later! In the meantime, when you get a moment, check some of them out. You won't be disappointed.