Main Entry: mé·lange
Pronunciation: \mā-ˈläⁿzh, -ˈlänj\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, from mesler, meler to mix — more at meddle
Date: 1653
: a mixture often of incongruous elements
Some widely varied things to tell you about today:
--Did you watch the Oscars? I didn't...there wasn't any movie or performance I felt strongly enough about to root for.
But here's a note: Amazing Grace was named Best Spiritual Movie of 2008 by Beliefnet. (You can read my interviews with Chip Flaherty of Walden Media about "Amazing Grace" here and here.)
--Audrey Hepburn's black sheath dress in Breakfast at Tiffany's (seen here) was voted the classiest classic cinema gown by voters in a USA Today online poll:
The classiest classic cinema gown is Audrey Hepburn's Givenchy sheath dress from Breakfast at Tiffany's, more than 3,800 USA TODAY readers decided in an online vote. In second place: Marilyn Monroe's white halter dress from The Seven Year Itch. No. 3 was Julia Roberts' red velvet dress from Pretty Woman.
Well, I think when you think "Audrey Hepburn," you pretty much think "class." But I've never seen Breakfast at Tiffany's. Have you? Should I see it?
--Linda of 2nd Cup of Coffee is as hooked on "Lost" as I am...and she's written a very cool newspaper article about it, which you can read here.
--I love discovering a "new" author! Actually, Mindy Starns Clark has been around quite a while, but a friend just loaned me the first in her "Million Dollar Mystery" series--A Penny For Your Thoughts. I stayed up waaaay too late last night reading it, and now I can't wait to read everything I can get my hands on by Clark!
--Remember the ordeal of missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham? They were held hostage in the Phillipines, and Martin was killed. Well, now their son Jeff is following in his father's footsteps.
--Pioneering Christian music artist Larry Norman ("Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?") passed away yesterday at the age of 60. Rodney Olsen of The Journey blogs about Norman's passing.
Thanks again for another book to check into...I love mystery books so I hope that I will enjoy books by Mindy Clark.
Right now I am reading Stepping Heavenward recommend by another friend.
I would also like to point out Audrey Hepbrun would look good in a dress made out of paper bags.
I have seen Breakfast at Tiffanys. Can't say whether I recommend it or not. I've seen it twice and I can't seem to figure out what makes it so popular. I love her. But the storyline of BaT eludes me right not.
My Fair Lady - now that's a great movie and I LOVE her gown when she goes to meet the prince guy.
I love Audrey Hepburn, but Breakfast at Tiffany's is not my favorite. Like others, I can't figure out what makes it such a big deal. Funny Face was better, however I much prefer to see her in Roman Holiday.
I need to see My Fair Lady, along with a few other of her movies. She was such a classic beauty!
Breakfast at Tiffany's is based on a novella by Truman Capote and some things were changed for the film - for example in the original story George Peppard's character was a gay hustler. So the movie makes almost no sense at all, though Audrey Hepburn is a lovely of course!
My favorite Audrey films are Funny Face and Roman Holiday.
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