Lots of stuff to tell you today...if you're busily cruising Thursday Thirteens, bookmark this page and come back when you have time to check out some of these links!
1. Looking for some great new recipes? My blogging friend Ashley Todd, who has always posted the most mouth-watering recipes and is a Pampered Chef representative, is debuting her new recipe blog, Ashley's Cafe. Looks great!
2. The 10 biggest differences between Christian schools and public schools (according to DiscoverChristianSchools.com
3. If you love horses--or just heart-touching videos-- you'll want to check this one out.--(Hat tip to Angela Hunt.
4. If you're scared of snakes, this article might give you the heebie-jeebies.
5. The last book that kept me up reading way too late? The Innocent Man, by John Grisham. A true story that made me think about how I would handle being falsely imprisoned. Not well, I assure you.
6. Yes, I'm enjoying American Idol! My faves so far? On the guy's side: David Hernandez, David Archuleta and Jason Castro. On the girls' side: Syesha Mercado, Carly Smithson and Brooke White.
7. Here's a chance to win a free book by Christian fiction writer Rebecca Seitz.
8. Mrs. Fussypants--the dynamo who's responsible for Fight the Frump Friday--is launching a new online magazine called Blissfully Domestic, and along with that, a new online network, Blissfully Domestic Living. She's billing it "Everything you need to make family life easier."
9. It was on the Blissfully Domestic site that I found this old video predicting what fashion would be like in the year 2000. Pretty funny--but they were right about at least one thing: a lot of men are wearing phones!
10. My son Justin gave my daughter Elizabeth a CD recently: Colm Wilkinson's Stage Heroes, and I've been loving it. Wilkinson is best known for playing Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, and he has an amazing voice.
11. From Evangelical Outpost: a post and a video about how Barack Obama seems to make women faint a lot. Kinda strange.
12. If this isn't enough to put you off plastic surgery, I don't know what is. Yikes...I'm beginning to think we're better off taking our chances with natural aging...
13. If, like me, you're a "Lost" fan, here's something to help you warm up for tonight's episode.
Two words that do not describe me! LOL!
Thanks for the linx! I'll check 'em out!
Thanks for the mention, Cindy! I added a few new recipes today and will hopefully post the pictures for them tonight.
Thanks, too, for all the links! Loved the Lost info! It cleared up some questions I had. And we like the same AI contestants. I just love Jason Castro! There's something about him... besides the fact that he's from a town just 20 minutes from me. :o)
I'm going to have to check out your other links soon. Great TT! I haven't done mine yet. Maybe I'll get to that tonight as well...
Wonderful collection of things to look at online! Thanks for the links.
I thought that I may have been the only Christian watching American Idol. I find it both entertaining and musical educational. Simon doesn't bother me..he usually is straight on when it comes to music. I got hooked on it when Carrie Underwood was on it.
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