Don't worry, you don't have to spend a dime!
I'd love it if you would simply leave a comment on this post. If possible, leave a link if you have a blog of your own, and even let me know if you are a semi-regular reader or how you found my blog. If you've been "lurking" a while and never commented, make today the day you come out of the shadows and say "hi."
That's all I'm asking!
Later today I plan to update this post with some (hopefully) interesting and informative stuff, so come back if you can. But in the meantime, the best Christmas gift you could give me would be a brief comment letting me know you read this blog. I would really appreciate it!
I am a semi-regular reader of your blog, Cindy. I no longer read the blog where I found the link to yours, but I do still read yours! I have linked to your blog before, and I did so again today.
I hope you get lots of "presents"!
Rebekah, I couldn't get to your blog from clicking on your name...if you see this, please leave a link! Thanks so much for commenting!
Hi Cindy,
I have you bookmarked on bloglines.com, so I always know when you've put up a new post. I think I first found out about your column from Angie Hunt...or maybe it was Robin Lee Hatcher. Whoever it was, you're a must-read now.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much, Deborah! I LOVE your books!
I found your link somewhere? Then I forgot about you blog (insert shocked gasp)
I stumbled across you again a week or so ago and put you in my blog lines:)
Merry Christmas.
I'm a big time fan of yours, and I'm pretty sure we would be best friends in real life;)
I hear ya on the Africa thing--I'm hideously proud of my daughters for living their dreams and pursing this mission (Africa '08 link on my blog, in case you have any rich friends) but secretly a bit jealous, too.
Forgive my blatant daughter promotion.
And thanks for the "Evie" reminder--I forgot how much I loved her!
Carry on!
Hi Cindy, I am a regular reader, not so regular commenter. I believe I originally found you either at blog village or thursday thirteen? My blog is called Family Adventures and is located at: http://marshamlow.blogspot.com
Merry Christmas.
Cindy - I feel like I see you every day, and I love to read your blog! Thanks for your bright, shining light, and godly witness!
Merry Christmas!
I stop by every day. I found your blog on Angie Hunt's blog. Now I link to you, too.
I am a lurker. I confess it openly. Given my love of film noir, are you surprised that I am lurking? The only problem is, your blog is a bright ray of sunshine and film noir lurkers prefer shadows. How to explain this inner dichotomy (or contradiction) of being attracted to bright light while weaving in and out of the fog in a hat, .45 revolver and trenchcoat?
There must be some appropo symbolism in this, or at least the plot outline of a new film noir. But Hollywood will have to film it in black and white. I insist.
Merry Christmas!
You know I'd never forget about you. So, here's my comment! Also, so sorry you've been sick. I pray you get better soon.
You're missed,
Hi, Cindy, You know I enjoy reading your blog. I sure hope you are feeling better. I love the pictures of your little grandson.
Merry Christmas to you.
I found your blog through AuntAgnes (Beth) and I read it at least every couple of weeks.
oh and my blog is
Cindy, I posted above as Rebekah, but most people call me Becky. The link to my blog is http://beckyworks.wordpress.com
You know you're one of my favs!
You're a resident of my bloglines feed, Cindy...I enjoy my visits to your blog!
I'm a regular visitor... :)
Good morning Cindy,I have been reading your blog for a short time , but feel welcome when I come over to visit.I have your site listed under my Google reader, so it will tell me when you have a new post to read..Thanks for being here to share your life.I hope your bronchitis is better..Have a "Merry Christmas" with your family. Hugs, baba
Hi I just popped in from another blog, enjoyed the read you have here. Come on over to my blog sometime, always fun to find new friends..
Hi Cindy, I just came over here tonight and saw this and you know I pop in and out to see what are you are up to!! I hope you are feeling better!! Sorry you have been sick.
Merry Christmas! Love, and Hugs Grams
I'm a regular ;0)
Sorry Cindy but I just got back online but I do want to wish you a very very Merry Christmas. Of course I've known you since the caged bird days. :) God bless and thanks for the Chritmas email card.
Chris Connally
Hi Cindy. I've been reading for a while, but I usually read on Bloglines.
Happy New Year!
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