I hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas. My prayer for you is that you will know the Christ of Christmas in a real and beautiful way!--Cindy
My Top Posts of 2006

It's hard to believe another year is almost at an end. For my final Thursday 13 of 2006 (I'll be on vacation next week), I thought I'd delve into the archives to find what I consider to be my best posts of 2006. Granted, it's very subjective! :)
In no particular order:
1 Conversations with My Father--I reminisce about the great time I used to have talking with my dad--and ponder on the privilege of conversing with my heavenly Father
2 Favorite TV Characters Day --I profile my faves, past and present
3 It's ten o'clock. Do you know what your children are blogging?--A plea for parents to get a clue
4 Why is ketchup so good???--A lighthearted paean to my favorite condiment
5 Happy 25th anniversary to me!--I look back on a quarter century of employment at the same radio station
6 In praise of the bedtime story--a fond look at a tradition I hope will never die
7 Whatever happened to really good movies?--Would it be so hard for Hollywood to clean up its act?
8 Flying isn't fun anymore--A bit of a rant on the state of air travel today
9 My evacuation from Lebanon --As Americans are evacuated from the wartorn country, I look back on my own sudden departure from Lebanon in 1967
10 The children of Iraq--I can't take credit for this one--my brother wrote this heartfelt post about Iraqi children
11 Katrina: one year later, a Mississippi church continues to rebuild--my interview with pastor Don Elbourne
12 My 9/11 tribute to Jean Hoadley Peterson--Taking part in the blogosphere's tribute to 9/11 victims was an unforgettable experience
13 Does "realistic fiction" mean wallowing in filth?--Another mini-rant
I invite you to check a few--or all!--of these posts out, when you have some free time. And I encourage you to highlight some of your own favorite posts in 2006. Let me know if you do so--and/or if your own Thursday Thirteen is up--in my comments section!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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