Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Rockford's abortion doctor dies

Dr. Richard Ragsdale has gone to meet his Maker. Rockford's only abortionist, operator of the Northern Illinois Women's Center since 1973, was 69. He far outlived the thousands of human lives that were cut off prematurely at his hands.

Judy Emerson's article about Ragsdale's passing, in the Rockford Register Star today, paints Ragsdale as a hero--a dedicated doctor, a skilled clinician with a deep belief in women's rights.

Emerson talks about the thousands of babies Ragsdale delivered as an obstetrician, quoting Ragsdale's wife, Deborah DeMars: "I can hardly go anywhere without somebody saying, 'Your husband delivered my baby.' "

No mention, of course, of the thousands of babies who were denied a chance at life because of the doctor's so-called deep commitment to the "rights" of their mothers.

I am deeply pro-life, although it's not a conviction that has heretofore prompted me to get out and actively protest. To be honest, I cringe when I see the pro-lifers who feel they're getting their message across with graphic, gory posters. I'm sorry, but I don't think very many people are listening to them.

Much more effective, in my view, is the work of agencies like the Rockford Area Pregnancy Care Center. These people are fighting abortion by showing love and compassion, by educating and helping. And I do believe the vast majority of pro-life people are good people who value and cherish human life, not wild-eyed, fire-bombing fanatics.

But I must assert today that Dr. Richard Ragsdale was not a hero. Eternity will bear testimony to his real legacy; I believe he is already discovering what that real legacy was, indeed.

And I wonder how many abortion doctors are really laboring in their grisly business out of a heart of deep commitment to helping women and making sure their rights are protected. I suspect that it has a lot more to do with the fact the abortion industry is an extremely lucrative business.

Frankly, I think my own ob/gyn is doing much more to help women just by guiding them through nine months of pregnancy and safely delivering their healthy babies.

I'm sorry. I can't shed a tear for Dr. Richard Ragsdale today...although I should be shedding tears for his mortal soul.

I am crying for thousands of human lives who were cut off...no, who were killed...who were murdered...at the Northern Illinois Women's Center.


joydriven said...

thanks, cindy.
i was trying to get some things put into words.
kind of difficult.
(ok, very.)
i posted an entry, also. and it includes a link to the city council page, in case folks are interested in attempting to zone out the property.
karagraphy.com: the scarlet A, cont.

Anonymous said...

Why does your piece seem more harsh on pro-life people than on the abortionist? You didn't call *him* any names, but you perpetuated a false stereotype.

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