Delve into the archives of CyberSnoop--and arm yourself against internet hoaxes and urban legends!
I realize I've slipped once again into gross neglect of this blog. Yet, my creativity seems to be at an impasse at the moment. What to do?
Well, it dawned on me that I have a wealth of stuff in Ye Olde Archives of "Notes in the Key of Life"...stuff that some of my legions of readers (yes, I'm being silly) may have never read. So why not borrow a trick from Hollywood and take the re-run route?
Dear readers, I give you the links to a whole bunch of "Cindy Swanson, CyberSnoop" features.
What in the world is CyberSnoop?
This feature originated when I was Darren Marlar's co-host on 101QFL. I honestly don't remember which one of us came up with the idea, but we were both fed up with getting e-mails that paraded as truth when they were either outright lies or crazily exaggerated.
We decided I'd take on one internet rumor/e-mail hoax per week as "Cindy Swanson, CyberSnoop."
There was never any lack of fodder for CyberSnoop. It seemed one or the other of us got at least one questionable e-mail a week...and often my listeners or co-workers would toss one my way.
Soon, I began to develop a kind of radar for e-mail garbage. I could smell a fake e-mail a mile away. Relatives got a little annoyed at me for de-bunking the forwards they assumed were for real and blithely sent my way (well, didn't they pay attention to the CyberSnoop motto about checking it out BEFORE you hit the "send" button?!?:))
I even did the feature on Beth Warden's syndicated radio show in Canada, as "Cindy Swanson, CyberSleuth" (Beth thought that sounded nicer than "snoop").
So here you go...
Links to some of the CyberSnoop features. And don't forget CyberSnoop's motto: Don't forget to check it out BEFORE you hit that "send" button!
--The Case of the Dead Comedian: I find out if there was any truth to the rumor that comedian Sinbad had suddenly died
--The Case of the Stolen GPS's-Are robbers stealing people's GPS's and using them to find their homes and break into them?
--The Case of the Drug-Soaked Business Card-Are criminals in the United States using businesses cards soaked with a drug called burundanga to incapacitate female victims?
--The Case of the Faulty Flip-Flops--Did Chinese-made flip-flops sold by Wal-Mart cause chemical burns on some consumers’ feet?
--The Case of the Facebook Forward--Is Facebook going to delete your account if you don’t forward a particular message?
--The Case of the Colossal Canine-Are those pictures of a 7-foot-long Great Dane for real? (You can also listen to an audio version of this one here.)