...and 12 other random thoughts in this Thursday Thirteen
1. Have any of you "Lost" fans been wondering what I've been wondering: Where in the world are Rose and Bernard? We lost them somewhere during the time jumps that were being experienced by the island Losties. I've always loved this couple, and I do hope the writers resolve the matter of where they've been hanging out this whole time. And they darn sure better still be alive.
2. Well, well, well. Adam Lambert in the bottom 2 of American Idol...despite the fact that the show has been a virtual judges' FawnFest over him for weeks. I think Adam's legions of fans got complacent, since their beloved one had been pretty much awarded the crown by the judges and the media. They were thinking the rest of the season was just a technicality that had to be endured on the way to Adam's coronation. I'm glad to see this has been shaken up.
And no, I don't think the show manipulated anything. I think Adam fans got lazy, but I think next week they'll be voting so many times, they'll be risking carpal tunnel.

If “Star Trek” fails, Mr. (Alex) Kurtzman said, “it’ll be the biggest personal failure we’ve ever had, because we will have actually violated something that means a lot to us.”
3. A lot of sci-fans I know--and not just Trekkies--are looking forward to the JJ Abrams-helmed Star Trek movie. Here's an interesting article about it. (hat tip to Thunderstruck.org.)
4. Is your name Matthew? And are you happier than other guys? --Dr. David Holmes of Manchester Metropolitan University believes first names can predict happiness or success. Names associated with happy people include Judy, Stephanie, Linda, Pam and Pat for ladies, and Matthew, Joshua, Jason, Terry and Barry for guys.
5. Are you freaked out by the swine flu epidemic?--So far, I would characterize my feelings as being concerned, but not alarmed. Yet.
6. People in Mexico are apparently getting pretty creative with their swine flu surgical masks. Hat tip to the Worthington Wire.
7. Facebook is Facebook and Twitter is Twitter, and never the twain should...try to be alike? This writer says Facebook is shooting itself in the foot by trying to be like Twitter. Hat tip to Thunderstruck.org
8. The dog may have a little trouble fetching your laptop...Would you be willing to completely give up printed newspapers in favor of thier online versions? Many people apparently are...but not me. There's something about holding the newspaper in your hands that I would be reluctant to give up completely. Same with reading a book...part of the experience for is holding the actual book in my hands.
9. "This is not a weave!"--Oprah defends her hair. Another hat tip to The Worthington Wire.
10. Was our nation really founded on Judeo-Christian principles? It would appear so. Hat tip to Angela Hunt's A Life in Pages.
11. Don't forget: the National Day of Prayer is coming up May 7th.
12. I'm really enjoying some Dean Koontz...And I do have to qualify that. I've picked up a few of his earlier novels and been put off by content I prefer not to read...but some of his more recent works are not only incredibly page-turning, but truly inspiring as well.

Koontz's worldview unabashedly places a high value on human life, and takes a dim view of academic elites and others who clearly do not. But I can't give a blanket endorsement to all his books, because if you don't like certain non-family-friendly things, you will find those in his earlier books.
I have really, really liked the Odd Thomas books, and I'm looking forward to reading Odd Hours, the latest that's just now out in paperback.
Basically, Odd sees dead people. But despite the macabre factor there, his stories manage to be humor-filled and engaging even as they're chill-inducing.
Not for everyone...but I like 'em!
13. Any interesting or amusing links you want to pass along? Include them in my comments section. Just make sure they're family-friendly!
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