It was so wonderful having my younger son Justin home for a week-long visit. Justin is one of the most easygoing, pleasant people in the world. It was great just getting to spend time with him.
More on that "Shout to the Lord" performance on American Idol...
Josh Harris has a very balanced post about the AI finalists singing "Shout to the Lord" during Idol Gives Back week.
Particularly interesting is a quote from a woman named Beverly who works on a related show:
"I work on one of the 'sister shows' of American picture an office, with all of the producers, crew, etc. gathered in watching the live feed at our CBS offices, then this song comes office filled with a few Christians....atheists and agnostic Jews. You could hear a pin was awesome.....the power that came through....nothing had to be debates....just people being touched more than they realized...producers, writers...crew that had never darkened a church door in their lives, or their only experience with Christians was a negative one.
Hat tip, by the way, goes to Christ and Pop Culture, where this is American Idol Week.
What fun..Chicago is such a fun place to visit. Thanks for sharing the trip with us.