
Tuesday, March 30, 2004

In honor of my love of Chili's...

My cousin Judy sent me this picture of a Chili's in Doha, Qatar, that her son Clint frequented a few times when he was stationed at Al Udeid Air Base. (I believe Clint is now stationed in England.) Anyway, Judy tells me Clint considered that Chili's a little corner of paradise during his stint in Qatar! Well, if the chips and salsa measure up to U-S quality, I can understand why.

Judy recently visited Clint in England, and she said the food there was...well...different. She ate at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Dover, and she describes the seasoning on the chicken as being "strange."

Judy also took the "Nine Layers" quiz that I took somewhere back in the archives of this blog, and I was amazed at how similar a lot of our answers are, given that we have spent very little time together in our lives. (Judy, thanks for doing that!) I'm hoping to see her and some of my other relatives the next time I visit Sweet Home Texas. :)

What held Him on the cross?

One of the side effects of all the publicity surrounding The Passion of the Christ movie is that songs about the Cross seem to have even more poignancy. Given the fact that respected Christian leaders have said that one weakness of the film is that it fails to answer the "Why?" question--why did Jesus endure such horrendous suffering and pain?--this Michael O'Brien song takes on new meaning. (I heard it on the way to work this morning, and appreciated the lyrics more than ever.)

What Held You on the Cross?
by Michael O'Brien and (?) Hamm

I know you--I've seen you all my life
Figure on a crucifix
Death without a fight
You're hanging there upon a cross just by your hands and feet
The picture's clear, but the story's incomplete

So what was it that led you to that tree?
What made you lay your body down to save someone like me?
So though it's true, I know that you were God inside a man
So I guess sometimes it's hard to understand

What held you on the cross when you could have walked away?
I see what you have done, and I just have to say
What held you on the cross was more than just the nails
With all the pain and suffering, and all that you had lost
Your love for me could only be what held you on the cross.

You saw me--I guess you must have known
My life would be in darkness, so you and you alone would bear the stripes,
The crown of thorns, and all humility
Lord, I see myself, but it's hard for me to see

What held you on the cross when you could have walked away?
I see what you have done, and I just have to say
What held you on the cross was more than just the nails
With all the pain and suffering, and all that you had lost
Your love for me could only be what held you on the cross.

I don't deserve your mercy, still you loved me just the same
You died for me, and yet, and yet it's hard to know

What held you on the cross when you could have walked away?
I see what you have done, and I just have to say
What held you on the cross was more than just the nails
With all the pain and suffering, and all that you had lost
Your love for me could only be what held you on the cross.

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