
Friday, April 21, 2006

Taking a blogging break....

Well...I'm not really going fishing. However, I'm putting this up as an "away" sign for the next several days. Delightfully, my mom and sisters are coming to visit me, and I'm taking a week off! So, Lord willing and if the creek don't rise, I'll be back around May 1st.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Simple pleasures

Actually, I didn't get tagged for this meme...I saw it at Carol's She Lives, and decided to take part.

Here are ten of my simple pleasures, in no particular order:

1) Hearing my kids laugh
2) Reading the Life section of USA Today
3) Getting a pedicure
4) Black Cherry Vanilla Coke--or the diet version, it's almost as good
5) Seeing the first daffodils
6) A phone call from one of my sisters
7) My husband giving me a compliment
8) Getting the Estee Lauder gift-with-purchase
9) Eating out with friends
10) Hearing a favorite old song on the radio

How about you?

I still support our troops

I wish I could post a picture my sister sent me via e-mail today, but I'm afraid i'd be violating all sorts of copyright look at it here.

Todd Heisler is a wonderful photographer, and the Final Salute story is so moving.

God bless and keep our troops!

And if you need a good chuckle...

You MUST check out this video of quadruplets laughing! It's priceless.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

There's a little hotel called the Shady Rest...

Remembering "Petticoat Junction"...and other Wednesday stuff

It's funny how one random thought will spark a chain of memories. The other day, I had a random thought about actress Lynda Day George. That triggered a "whatever happened to her?" thought, and of course, I had to check out the internet to try to find out.

According to Wikipedia, George, who was married to the now-deceased actor Christopher George, is officially retired from show biz, re-married and living in California.

Anyway, while looking for info on Lynda, I came across the fact that she was often confused with actress Linda Kaye Henning of Petticoat Junction...apparently because of the similarity in their names.

Betty Jo, Bobbie Jo and Billy Jo

Thinking about "Petticoat Junction" brings back a lot of great childhood memories. My family had just returned from being missionaries in Beirut, Lebanon. Color TV was just becoming widespread, and there were a lot of harmless, fun, family-friendly shows on TV. "Petticoat Junction" was one of my favorites.

I loved Kate, who was played by the wonderful Bea Benederet, and was sad when she died of cancer in 1968. The show was never the same after that.

I understand that you can buy the show on DVD now, and I've resolved that I'm going to do so as soon as possible.

How about you? Anybody have fond memories of the good old days of TV? Let me know in my comments section. (By the way, my 19-year-old daughter thinks Petticoat Junction sounds silly. What does she know? :))

Turning a corner...a cool story

If you have a moment, check out this story. Apparently the blogger did not write it himself, and it's in slightly broken English, but you'll get the point...and it's a very good one.

A good night for AI

They sang the standards last night, and I thought everyone except Kellie shone. I think Katharine could BE the next Idol, but I'm still pulling for Paris and Elliott.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Six weird things about me

I've been tagged

Norma of Collecting My Thoughts has tagged me to list Six Weird Things about Me. It's kind of disturbing how easy it was to come up with six things!

Here we go:

1. I have never played Monopoly.--I know, it seems almost un-American. And I don't really know why I've never played it, because all my life, Monopoly games have gone on all around me. To this day, my kids occasionally play it with friends at my home, and I never take part. Just...never played it.

2. I like ketchup on a lot of unusual things.--This is a weirdness that I try not to display when dining out, simply out of consideration to my fellow diners who may be grossed out. But I like ketchup on steak, fish, baked potatoes, eggs, rice...I just love ketchup. I will admit, though, that as my tastes have matured, I don't rely on ketchup as much as I used to. I can actually savor the flavor of things without glopping ketchup all over them. But the fact remains...I love ketchup. I've even blogged about it.

3. I'm not very organized EXCEPT in weird little ways.--It's's like I have selective organization. I can let my desk get very untidy, and forget to enter important things on my calendar... but when I put my make-up on, I have to have every make-up item lined up neatly before me. I'm micro-organized in other ways as well. Weird, huh?

4. I have strange housecleaning methods.--I hate housecleaning, although I love the results. Often, I have to motivate myself to clean. So, often I'll use a timer. I'll set the timer for 10 or 15 minutes, and see how much of a room I can get clean in that amount of time. When the timer goes off, I have to move on to another room (although I can come back to any room later). It's like I'm in a little competition with myself to see how much I can get done.

If I don't have a timer handy, I'll use a "song method." I'll see how much of a room I can clean for the length of a song on the radio or a CD. When the song changes, it's on to another room. Now, I don't always use these methods...sometimes I just dig in and clean a room until it's clean, nonstop. But if I'm really dreading the whole housecleaning thing, these little games help me. I know...weird.

5. I never take the first magazine off the stack. --I love magazines, but I will never buy the first one that's facing me on the rack. Even if it shows no signs of being picked over or dog-eared, it's not for me. My magazine must be as pristine and perfect as possible.

6. I don't like circuses.--I never have, even when I was a child. I wasn't scared of them, or scared of the clowns, so that has nothing to do with it. I've just always found them boring. I know...weird.

I'm not going to tag anyone with this, but if you'd like to do it in my comments section or on your own blog, feel free!

Monday, April 17, 2006

What kind of writer should you be?

Yes, it's one of those internet quizzes. But hey, it's Monday, and I'm having a hard time adjusting to it after my lovely three-day weekend!

By the way, since some of my blog-readers are actually published writers, it would be interesting to see how the quiz comes out for them.

You Should Be a Romance Novelist

You see the world as it should be, and this goes double for all matters of the heart.
You can find the romance in any situation, and you would make a talented romance story writer...
And while you may be a traditional romantic, you're just as likely to be drawn to quirky or dark love stories.
As long as it deals with infatuation, heartbreak, and soulmates - you could write it.

Speaking of writing and wonderful books...

I finished Jane Kirkpatrick's A Clearing in the Wild over the weekend. Absolutely wonderful. I love the heroine, Emma Giesy, who is based on an actual person, and I'm so glad this is going to be a series. Jane's writing is, as always, beautiful, thoughtful and evocative.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

This must be a cross of love

Not long ago, I read a comment by a columnist who was vociferously anti-Christian and anti-God. It was something to the effect of, "So, Jesus died on the cross for us. We didn't ask him to!"

She's just one of many people who don't get it...who reject and scorn the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for us.

I'm reminded of a scene in the movie, The Matrix. Morpheus takes Neo to a busy street in a large city. People are going to and fro, frantically moving about their daily lives, each person totally unaware that their entire life is a lie, an illusion.

That scene cut me to the heart, because I realized that millions of people today are doing the same thing. They've bought the lie sold them by the world, the flesh and the devil. Perhaps they've been turned off of Christianity by charlatans, fakers, and people who are just poor representatives of Christ. For whatever reason, they reject the cross. To them, it truly is a stumblingblock (1 Corinthians 1:23).

No, we didn't ask Him to do it. So why did Christ die on the cross?

The answer is simple. Love is the reason. He loves even that person who is mocking and jeering and blaspheming Him. And He died for that person.

With Easter just around the corner, my thoughts are focused on that cross. I'm thinking of a song my sister Lisa and I often sing when we're together. It's called "Cross of Love," and it's from a musical called Savior--The Story of God's Passion for his People.

I was only able to find a short soundclip of Steve Green and Twila Paris singing this beautiful song. I did find this choir version in its entirety.

I've posted the lyrics below.

By the way, if you've stumbled on this blog by happenstance and have read this far, and you've so far rejected Christ for whatever reason, I urge you to reconsider.

Meantime, I won't be blogging again until next week. So to all who stop here on a regular basis, I wish a happy and blessed Easter!

Cross of Love

Blood and sorrow flow from the languid brow of Jesus dying;
and tears from Heaven's eyes are the anguished drops of a Father crying,
"Oh, why?"

Emblem of his pain, oh splintered wood of my transgression
I'll never comprehend how an act so great gave love expression--Oh, why?

And the people jeered at Him and mocked His holy name,
for they knew not who He was, nor why it was He came.
Some had come to offer help to soothe a mother's pain,
but as she watched her wounded Son, the comfort never came,
Oh, why?

This must be a cross of love
for God to bruise His only Son.
Jesus, what a sacrifice to reach us,
it had to be a cross of love!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Wednesday hodge-podge

Screwtape reviews Da Vinci...The Carnival of Beauty...My friends blog...AI marches on...and some fantastic new fiction

Several different things to mention today. By the way, the pic is of my darling niece, Channing, playing soccer. She's the one (obviously) directly above the soccer ball. Unfortunately, I wasn't actually there...Channing lives in Texas. When I look at her, I see so many different members of our family, it's incredible!

The Da Vinci Code According to Screwtape

If you're a fan of C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters (and I am), you must read this.

It's a letter from Screwtape to Wormwood, telling him about the book. (He loves it, of course.

A long read, but well worth it! (Hat tip to the wonderful Robin Lee Hatcher.)

The Carnival of Beauty

It's a good idea to enter your blog in one or more of the various "carnivals" in the blogosphere. I've entered posts in The Christian Carnival and The Carnival of the Recipes several times, but this was a first for me. I participated in The Carnival of Beauty.
Unlike some of the other carnivals, this one has a theme that changes from week to week. This week's theme was "The Beauty of Aging Gracefully."

The delightful Carol of She Lives hosted the Carnival this week, and she presents it in fine fashion. Check it out...and think about entering a Carnival next week. It's a great way to get your blog out there and find out about other terrific blogs.

Speaking of new blogs...

Another friend of mine has made the leap into the blogosphere. Randy's blog is Reflections, and I can already tell that it will be a great venue for his talented writing and insights. Check it out.

Like Joel, Randy is a former co-worker of mine, and we have a history of going through some crazy times together here at the radio station!

American Idol recaps

I didn't get to watch American Idol last night, but here are a couple of takes on it from people I trust:



I'm starting to feel a little detached from the whole thing. There's no one that I think stands out as "THE" American Idol this time. Same with "The Apprentice" one is really blowing me away. In fact, IMHO, the apprentices this season are among the most inept I've ever seen on that show.

By the way, if you are a big fan of "Idol" and you miss an episode and don't have TiVo or didn't tape it, here's a website where you can see and/or hear the performances the day after.

I interviewed Tracey Bateman

I had the pleasure a couple hours ago of interviewing Tracey Bateman, author of the book I raved about the other day, Leave it to Claire. I hope to blog about our interview within the next few days and hopefully provide an audio excerpt as well.

Meantime, I've plunged headlong into not one, but TWO books by two of my very favorite authors! I'm reading Dark Water by Linda Hall and A Clearing in the Wild by Jane Kirkpatrick.

Folks, fiction writing doesn't come any better than these two ladies, and I'm thrilled that they've both started new series after having been relatively quiet for a while. Have you noticed that I LOVE TO READ?!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My 101QFL Page

My colleague, Rick Hall, recently sent me a list of questions for my page on the 101QFL website. Since some of these things may be of interest, and since you might be too lazy to click on the actual page, I decided to thoughtfully post my answers here. Just for fun. Here you go:

Rockford, Illinois for the past 26 years, but I was a missionary/preacher’s kid who lived all over—including Beirut, Lebanon. Most of my extended family lives in Texas, and I call the Lone Star State my second home!

I got to ask astronaut John Glenn a question during a student news conference when I was in the fifth grade! I think that kick-started my career as a reporter. Other facts? I’m a fairly expert calligrapher, and I do a mean Dolly Parton impression.

Jonathan, born in 1980 (he’s married to Daylyn and lives in Texas); Justin, born in 1983, and Elizabeth, born in 1987.

Stormy the German Shepherd and Brandy the toy poodle (yes, they get along fine!)

I don’t have Tivo yet, but I like “Lost,” “The Apprentice,” “Scrubs” and “American Idol.”

My mother and Ronald Reagan

Running from the U.S Capitol grounds during what everyone thought was a terrorist attack, but was actually just a plane accidentally venturing into DC airspace! I thought I was going to die!

People who ask me to tell them who they should vote for in an election

Of mine? Biting my nails. Of other people? Tossing their dirty clothes on the floor instead of putting them in the dirty clothes hamper.

As a teenager, traveling with my grandparents up through the Colorado Rockies on the way to visit my sister in Utah. I will never forget the incredible scenery, and it makes me long to go back to Colorado to this day!

BeefARoo, without a doubt!

When, as a Bible college student, I volunteered to answer phones for the local Christian station’s sharathon. And I suppose earlier than that, when as a kid I used to interview people on my portable tape recorder!


A full-time voice-over artist and/or a published writer of fiction.

With 25 years of memories behind me, that’s just too hard to single out!

I worked for three years at KWFC Radio in Springfield, Missouri before moving to Rockford.

There you go...even more than you probably ever wanted to know about me! :)

Aging gracefully?

From USA Today: "This obsession with plastic surgery is an epidemic. It's lunacy! These women have had their faces rebuilt and they look terrible. It's going to backfire at some point; sadly, somebody famous and young is going to have to die on the table." --plastic surgery veteran Jamie Lee Curtis, 45, to More Magazine.

Well, guess what, Jamie? Even that won't stop the lunacy. In a society where what you look like on the outside is of paramount importance, people--especially women--will continue to pursue that image of perfection, whether it be through plastic surgery or extreme diets.

Don't get me wrong; I believe in looking one's best. As an old preacher once said about women wearing make-up: "Even an old barn looks better with some paint." (OK, that's a groaner.) I don't even have a problem with people correcting something that really, truly needs fixing.

But I do believe the plastic surgery craze is getting out of control. It started in Hollywood and it's spreading across the nation, aided and abetted by the plethora of cosmetic surgery reality TV shows. One of the most disturbing trends is young girls hopping on the plastic surgery bandwagon; teen-agers getting breast implants, etc. My daughter picked up a copy of Teen Vogue recently, and it included an article on this disturbing phenomenon.

It might be a good idea to do a follow-up on some of these people and see if altering their appearances was the ultimate antidote they thought it was going to be. Hmm, makes me think of a thought from the Bible: "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."

Sure, I get frustrated when I see signs of encroaching age--another "laugh line," or the fact that I can't see ANYTHING up close without reading glasses, or the chagrin when I compare my late-40-something hands with the impossibly silken smoothness of my 19-year-old daughter's.

But then I think about my mother.

My beautiful mother, pictured above, is in her early 70's, but looks much younger. I wrote these words in a tribute to her a few years ago, and they are just as true today: "She has sparkling green eyes; a lovely full,expressive mouth...a dazzling smile. The years have been kind to her, and she is a prime example of how decades of righteous living can influence a woman's face...years free of alcohol, cigarettes and immoral living. Years dedicated to God's service and unselfish love for her husband and children. She has the sort of radiant, luminous, from-the-inside beauty that defies age."

That kind of beauty--the beauty of a pure mind, a loving heart and a God-focused soul--is the kind of beauty to which I aspire. And that kind of beauty cannot be touched by age.

(This post was partially based one I wrote in August 2004.)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday Mish-Mash

Two terrific books: Ireland and Leave it to Claire

I've been saying most of my life that I love Ireland, but the truth is, I've had only a rudimentary knowledge of that nation's history. Now, after having read Frank Delaney's Ireland, A Novel, I can say that I learned a great deal about Ireland's history while enjoying an absorbing fictional tale at the same time.

The story begins when a traveling Storyteller--perhaps the last of a long Irish tradition of "seanchais"-- comes to the home of 9-year-old Ronan O'Mara in 1951. As he weaves his tales of ancient Ireland, Ronan feels convinced that he and the Storyteller are somehow connected. When the Storyteller is evicted by Ronan's cold and distant mother, Ronan devotes the next several years of his life to trying to find him.

As we follow Ronan's life during the next few years--his successes and heartaches and the startling revelations he eventually faces--we are treated to more stories, as one reviewer says, "seamlesssly interwoven" into the novel. The stories reach Ronan in various ways--through radio, television, even letters from the Storyteller himself, never signed or with a return address.

I found myself thoroughly enjoying the stories even as Ronan's own story propelled me forward. Tales of St. Patrick, of Brendan the Navigator, Conor of Ulster, the legendary Finn MacCool,the Battle of the Boyne, all the way up to 1916 when the Easter Rising led by men like James Connolly and Michael Collins set the stage for the eventual formation of the Irish Republic.

If you have a yen for all things Irish, I definitely recommend this book. It's a rich, fanciful, imaginative retelling of Irish stories, as charming and appealing as the Irish themselves.

By the way, I kept thinking all along that this would make a wonderful movie. It would have to be sized down, of course, and all of the stories probably wouldn't be included. But I picture it along the lines of The Big Fish...a series of fanciful tales linked together by an ongoing contemporary story.

Gabriel Byrne

I can really picture Irish actor Gabriel Byrne, with a bit of age make-up, as the Storyteller. (They would have to get a younger actor to play the Storyteller as a young man.) And there would be choice roles for actors to play Ronan, his father, his aunt and his mother, and many characters in the tales. Hey, I have it all planned. Is anybody listening?

Another terrific read...

...but a totally different kind of book, is Leave it to Claire by Tracey Bateman.

The book follows the trials and tribulations of Claire Everett, a Christian fiction writer who is struggling to raise her four kids after a divorce. The divorce happened a few years ago, and her cheating ex-husband Rick is now married to the perfect, beautiful and adorable Darcy (who was not, by the way, one of his co-cheaters).

When carpal tunnel surgery forces Claire to stop writing for a few months, she decides to make a list of everything she wants to accomplish--reconnect with her kids, make real-life friends as opposed to those who are on the Internet, exercise, go to church more, etc.

None of it is easy, especially when her kids are acting up and acting out more than ever; her mother moves to Texas; and Rick and Darcy, who have become Christians, suddenly want to be her friends...not an idea Claire is crazy about.

The book is immensely enjoyable--funny, real, occasionally painful but full of hope. Most of all, you can't help but love Claire and her wry and relatable observations about life, love, and the Lord.

So now, I have another favorite new author in Tracey Bateman (who I hope to interview soon), and I can't wait to read Claire Knows Best and I Love Claire.

Related Tags:

Friday, April 07, 2006

It's FRIDAY!!!!

...and I answer the Friday Feast quiz

Oh, and happy birthday, Russell Crowe! 42 today. Russell, stay away from the phones today.

The weekend could not come soon enough for me! I have struggled with sleepiness all week long. Hopefully I can get some much-needed rest this weekend.

So, here is the Friday's Feast quiz. I invite you to answer the questions on your own blog, or here in my comments section. Here goes:

Name a trait you share with your parents or your children.--An all-consuming love of MUSIC. My father was a passionate music-lover as well, as are all my children...I honestly don't think we could live a day without music in some form.

List 3 qualities of a good leader, in your opinion.

1. Vision--as in, a vision for the organization he or she is leading
2. A servant's heart--a humbleness that asks, "What can I do for you?"
3. The ability to delegate tasks and authority

and if I may add a fourth:

4. The ability and the desire to bring out the best in each employee

Who is your favorite television chef?--Oh, my. I do not watch cooking shows on TV at all. I don't know why...just not my cup of tea.

Main Course
Share a story about a gift you received from someone you love.--Wow, I'm really wimping out today! Too many gifts and stories to mention...I can't single out just one.

How do you react under pressure?--Uh, not very well. I tend to panic. Thankfully my husband is a strong, calming influence on me.

Have a blessed weekend, everyone!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Get ready to give answers to "The Da Vinci Code"

I talk with apologist Alex McFarland...scroll down to listen to an excerpt

"Blasphemy on steroids"--that was Alex McFarland's reaction when he first read the popular but controversial book, "The DaVinci Code," by Dan Brown. McFarland is the director of Teen Apologetics for Focus on the Family.

On May 19th, the movie based on the book, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard, will debut in theaters.

However, you won't find Focus boycotting the movie. Such actions are often counterproductive anyway. Instead, the organization has put together a website aimed at helping Christians answer the inevitable questions that will arise from the movie.

McFarland told me in an interview earlier this week, "Ultimately we have a great opportunity...we can say to the world, OK, that's a book, it's a novel, and it claims to be accurate, but it's not. But let me tell you the really exciting thing--it's that Christianity rests on solid foundations, and here's what they are."

One of the authors highlighted on the website is Dr. Erwin Lutzer, author of The DaVinci Deception, who writes: "The movie will confuse lots of people, but Jesus will become the centerpiece of many conversations. For those who are prepared to explain that Christianity rests on solid foundations, the opportunity will be tremendous."

The website includes writings by Lutzer, Lee Strobel, and Dr. Norman Geisler as well as Alex McFarland. McFarland is author of the book, Stand: Core Truths You Must Know for an Unshakable Faith. He calls the book sort of an "intro to theology," and he says it's showing young people that theology is NOT boring.

Also available on the site are free downloadable resources, Sunday School leader materials and discussion guides.

McFarland also points people to Josh McDowell's website,, which includes a special section on "The DaVinci Code."

Listen to a 2-minute excerpt of my interview with Alex McFarland:

Recommended websites:

Josh McDowell's Beyond Belief DaVinci page

Liz Curtis Higgs' Decoding DaVinci

Related Tags:

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Have you ever had a really bad boss???

I have. Oh, believe me, I have.

And apparently so have a lot of other people. There's even a website devoted to the subject:, "Protecting People and Companies from Difficult Bosses." did an internet survey asking pople why they would like to can their boss. According to AP, "Nearly a third said they didn't trust their employer. About a-quarter of those who responded cite their supervisor's micromanaging.

Another ten percent said the boss was taking credit for the ideas and work of others. More than a-thousand people responded to the online
survey, which was designed by the human resource consulting
company, Development Dimensions International."

According to Badbossology, these are the most common bad boss behaviors:

--Reports and Surveys
--Harassment; Discrimination
--Inadequate Compensation
--Not Respecting Legal Rights
--Privacy Invasion

Having a bad boss is a really terrible feeling. Fortunately, I can name only one boss (and I won't mention his name here) that made my work life so unhappy that I actually dreaded coming to work. Also, fortunately, he wasn't my boss for long--just a little over a year.

I can vividly remember the day I found out he was leaving. I really wanted to throw a party! His last day on the job was a joyful one for me and my co-workers, all of whom were more than happy to see his departing backside.

And I would have to say, along with having a terrible personality and zero people skills, this boss's chief fault was his micromanaging. He was a serious control freak. I have often wondered how people who have no gift for interacting with other people end up in positions of power.

Of course, I have also had some wonderful bosses...ones who were characterized by good leadership skills but also flexibility, kindness, and the ability to delegate and not micro-manage. Thank the Lord for good bosses!

How about you? Have you had a really awful boss...or an exceptionally good one? I'd love to hear your stories!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Whatever happened to really good movies?

...and do we really need all the bad language?

Oh, I know there are still some good movies being made...even perhaps some great ones. But they seem to be fewer and farther between, and even the good ones seem to contain a surplus of words that in the words of the old Kim Carnes song, would make a crow blush.

My friend Joel Griffith's post about an old movie he saw recently is what got me thinking along these lines. The movie--Remember Last Night? (1935) propelled his thoughts in a number of different directions, but one of them was the fact that such a movie could be made in a "clean" manner. Joel writes: "The dialogue is witty, sardonic and subtle. No swear words, no sex scenes. Not even really any blood. However, this film could not be made today in the same way partially because of political correctness and partially because the present generation doesn't find dialogue funny unless it would make The Happy Hooker blush."

How true! Now, over the weekend I watched The Godfather for the first time. (I had seen bits and pieces before.) Understand, I'm not saying there aren't very disturbing elements to this movie. But here's the amazing thing: There is not an F-word in this movie. Not one. In a movie about the Mafia. How on earth was this possible? (I'm told the sequels made up for lost profanity.)

A recent AP-Ipsos Poll found that most of us...even people who do swear occasionally...are tired of all the profanity: "Nearly 74 percent in an A-P-Ipsos poll last week said they come across swearing in public frequently or occasionally. Almost half say they swear a few times a week or more.

"...And the poll shows many people who swear themselves don't like to hear it come from other mouths. Two-thirds say it bothers them when others use profanity."

When it comes to entertainment, what's the solution? I have friends who have special programs that delete the swearwords, but the results are clunky and sometimes laughable.

I'm not willing to give up entertainment completely. I am a movie buff and I enjoy a good story, well-acted and well-produced. I also love to laugh. I suppose it's too much to ask of Hollywood to clean up its act (there's my cynicism coming through.)

There is the occasional news story that offers a glimmer of hope. Like the fact that Sharon Stone's erotic thriller, "Basic Instinct II" is bombing abysmally at the box office. Then again, "Brokeback Mountain" was waaaaay behind "The Chronicles of Narnia" in box-office sales, and that didn't seem to matter.

If you have suggestions for some really good movies that have minimal or no profanity, by all means, let me know!